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Comment Re:PHP (Score 5, Interesting) 254

I was about to make a joke, but seriously, the only language I can think of that doesn't have some nasty gotcha is . . . . ugh . . . BASIC. Python has the whole whitespace deal, Perl code tends to be unkempt, Java is fuggin java, Ada is a secret government spy, I don't even want to talk about C++, Bash is fine as long as you never have the misfortune of using quotes or variables, C guarantees regular segfaults, Matlab/Octave will delightfully inform you of your bugs deep in system library code, SAS's userfriendliness pars that of installing Linux from scratch, you can't write more than four lines of Fortran without painting some Star Trek action figure, and just fuck Cobol.

Honestly, BASIC's wins this round just by virtue of being so limited that it's hard to shoot yourself in the foot. I don't count GOTO, as jumps aren't really language specific. Having tutored programming for years, I can say that students are perfectly able to write speghetti code with or without goto. :p

Comment Re:"hello" == 0 is TRUE (Score 1) 254

I agree, and as annoying as it is . . . it really is a *very* bad habit to assume transitive property holds for most operations. For example, if a > c and b > c, it's not always the case that a + b > c. Or a * b > c. That's a nasty way to introduce a security exploit when using malloc (eg malloc(sizeOfObject*numberOfObjects)).

Comment Re:Mischaracterization of problem (Score 5, Funny) 231

Yes, it's called embryonic development. It affects millions of people around the world and leads to impaired math abilities, where the affected cannot handle hundreds of mental calculations before making an error. The only known cure is to spend years in a basement alone eating cheetos, while insulting others' trivial math and lingual mistakes.

Comment Re:You can't make tech safe from malice (Score 1) 704

No, I saw your point, you missed where I was getting at. You are not able to protect yourself from every [road] hazard. No matter how skilled you are, the skills that matter are the auto engineers, civil engineers - and most importantly - the other drivers. Automating driving just switches the responsibilities and statistics around; it does NOT change the nature of the game. And statistically speaking, automated cars have a much better safety track record than human drivers. Both for the occupants, and for the others on the road.

Comment Re:You can't make tech safe from malice (Score 1) 704

First off, No. Doesn't matter if you're the best, most attentive driver in the world, there's always a risk of getting into a serious accident. And the sad thing is, that risk is pretty big. Secondly, by driving manually as opposed to automatic systems you put others at risk, because as a human, you're a shite driver. Sorry, but mother nature forgot to check off that box that says "can manipulate deadly, explosive multi-ton monstrosities traveling at ridiculous speeds, on designated paths that have other streams of said monstrosities traveling the same speed in the complete opposite direction". Feel free to file a bug report on that one, but the wait time is horrendous. Ironically, the box labelled "can design system to manipulate, deadly, explosive monstrosities traveling at ridiculous speeds" somehow got some better love. This is what happens when the customer doesn't properly fill out design specification documents.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 704

There are ways to profit from falling currencies. Particularly with strategically placed liabilities and investments.

For example, place an order in bitcoins amount of "product" equal to $X. Sell on streets in cash for $X + markup. Watch bitcoin value "conveniently" fall and pay back promised amount bitcoins, now valued much below $X. IRL cases would probably be much more complex, but bitcoins still suffer from an issue where there's large financial gains for some folks if the prices were to fall - and the means of significantly achieving such are plausible.

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