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Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 1) 392

Are you talking about the War in Iraq, which Obama boasted continuously about ending, despite loud criticism at the time that he was creating the conditions for what's going on right now with ISIS?

I wouldn't be boasting about that anymore, his related words are now one of those things his opponents publish on Twitter so as to illustrate how incompetent he is.

So you're telling me we wouldn't be at war now if only we hadn't ended the war? It's not enough that my friends did 5-10 tours? How many more did you want us to do?

Comment Re:Unfamiliar (Score 1) 370

Read the other comments in this article that point out all the pros. I love md and lvm, but they are little league compared to ZFS.

Hell, just the snapshotting alone. User accessible previous copies of files!

Comment Re:Unfamiliar (Score 1) 370

It works if and only if the target system is also using LSI RAID controllers.

In the business world where you don't change the underlying OS on a critical system just because you feel like it, it's pretty easy to make sure the target hardware meets the spec.

In the business world, if you don't have the scale and expertise to build your own cluster, you use real enterprise gear in redundant configurations. Whether NetApp/EMC or ZFS on qualified hardware.

If availability isn't important to you, and you can afford to keep spare controllers on hand so you don't have to wait days to source a compatible controller 5 years from now... fine, use LSI. But don't pretend it's somehow smarter to use HW RAID on a critical system.

Comment Re:We're Hiring (Score 1) 250

Your examples strike me as extraordinarily simple. Are these the things you're actually filtering out applicants on? I figure we're talking junior admin work here, but still..

I am fairly secure in my current position, but I occasionally contemplate becoming a fulltime Unix admin to make my life easier. However, all the postings I see have high listed requirements (e.g. 3-5 years experience in an environment with over 1,000 servers). I figured it was really that competitive these days, even for junior positions.

Or is there something else at play here? Are those posted requirements generally bullshit? Are you going for undermarket salaries? Is your organization somehow unique?

Comment Re:bringing in more H1Bs will solve this problem (Score 1) 250

Could you please point out the benefit for US American programmers of a job they don't get hired for being in the US compared to a job they can't get hired for abroad?

A US job that they don't get hired for still:
1) reduces competition for other jobs
2) increases wage competition for skilled workers

Both of which benefit the person who did not get the local job.

Comment Re:Elephant in the room (Score 1) 181

I suspect you're right about price fixing. However, the fact that someone in the economy has to pay a large sum of real money is irrelevant in determining cost-benefit.

Yes, it's real money. But so are labor costs. And, in theory, those labor costs represent [a portion of] the real value that person is adding to the economy. So anything that makes the employee able to add value more efficiently is overall good.

In general, an employee would not be earning $200/hr on a $7,000 workstation if they weren't adding more than $200/hr of value to the economy in some way. So making them more efficient either allows them to add more value, or gives them more free time to do other things (which tend to benefit the economy and society as a whole).

So maybe there is collusion, price gouging, artificial shortages, or something going on... but I know people who would gladly pay a huge premium for minor speed increases. And that really drives development, which should ultimately benefit the home user.

Comment Re:Bottom line... (Score 1) 170

You are the one making an elementary mistake, I am afraid. Your conclusion does not follow, even if we accept your entire argument.

You have heard the phrase "trust, but verify". It is far too easy to fake transparency and mislead other states. Every state throughout history has done this. At the very least, you need good intelligence sources to verify a state's public pronouncements regarding intentions are sincere. Even if they are sincere, you need to know the intentions/plans/abilities of internal players who may be in opposition.

Although I guess we could just take Putin at his word that he is just conducting military exercises and has no intentions towards Crimea? I'm sure he'll be giving Crimea back to Ukraine any day now.

Advocating covert verification of states' intentions and abilities has nothing to do with government accountability. That is an extreme oversimplification and false dichotomy.

Comment Re:Cheaper drives (Score 1) 183

No, any enterprise that cares about its data or uptime will use "enterprise" SSDs*. All** the big storage players have been using enterprise rated/labeled SSDs, and many of them use "enterprise" HDDs as well. So that's a pretty big chunk of the storage market. I'm not saying EMC doesn't have a high markup, but if you're using EMC storage with SSDs, you're using enterprise SSDs.

There are a bunch of reasons to use enterprise stuff in other situations as well, but I'm not going to try to debate the technicals right now.

As a side note, it sounds like your company is having pretty serious issues with storage and backup. What are they going to do when data grows a bit and daily backups start taking 25 hours?

*Or have a completely different architecture to sidestep the problem. It's harder than it sounds.
**There may be exceptions?

Comment Re:The Brookings Institution? (Score 1) 409

That is true of a lot of newer think tanks. You can generally judge a think tank by its ratio of PhDs to staff.

Brookings is part of the old guard. They employ a lot of serious researchers and generally strive towards objectivity. Nothing's 100%, but I'd say they're comparable to a good university.

Comment Re:Comprehension fail. Green: Give Wheeler more po (Score 1) 200

Fair enough. I appreciate your honest reply.

W was a unique president. Off the top of my head, he's the only recent president who seems to have actually done everything wrong. Obama has done some good... but since everything he does is controversial and subject to the harshest rhetoric I've seen in the US, I decided to leave him out of this.

Comment Re:Have you seen Gedit lately? (Score 1) 402

While that is correct, you are assuming vi has a steep upward slope. That was not the case for me.

1 minute in: "Oh crap... how I do I type? How do I EXIT?"
15 minutes in: "whew, helpful man page and articles." "cfg edited and saved. Go me!"
1 day later: "I just deleted two lines! Crap! How do I exit without saving? Ugh... what'd that man say again?"

A quick initial climb, a steep drop into a lake filled with tears, and then a gradual slope.

Comment Re:Whew. FFS... (Score 1) 113

Let me guess where you're from.

A place where imagination is non-existent.

The problem is that in this statement:

Now imagine you're neither country. Dependent on a bully country and some other random country for your internet control. Which would you take? Or the UN?

you are imaging that the US is the "bully country", and failing to imagine what most other countries would do with control over the internet. And actively ignoring what many other countries do with control over their piece of the internet.

The US bullies on plenty of issues. Control over the internet really isn't one of them.

Comment Re:Comprehension fail. Green: Give Wheeler more po (Score 1) 200

It's government that enforces the cable monopolies. They are called franchises, and it's the government saying only one company can run service to a given neighborhood. An EXCELLENT example of government doing harm.

I got the impression you were making the argument about the federal government specifically. Sometimes the federal/state government increases liberty by getting rid of a federal/state regulation. Sometimes abolishing a regulation leads to less liberty.

Neither I nor the Green Party believes government never does harm. I am certainly not claiming that federal, state, or local governments are free of corruption.

The core of the argument is that 1) government is not inherently bad and 2) we can substantially improve the quality of our government through 3) changes in electoral rules, campaign financing, and the revolving door. When a large voting bloc stops believing 1 and 2, we're basically doomed. I'd much rather argue over the best #3 and how to get them implemented.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 200

Key part of your quote:

The quality of drinking water in the United States remains universally high, however. Even though pipes and mains are frequently more than 100 years old and in need of replacement, outbreaks of disease attributable to drinking water are rare.

Universally high quality drinking water? That's "remarkably well". Yes, infrastructure needs work because nobody is willing to spend the money to do it. But, as of today, nearly everyone has potable water.

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