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Comment Re:Food chain (Score 1) 107

I agree with all you say. So much so even that I'm beginning to wonder if you meant to reply to me or the person I replied to.
Instinctive fear is of course not in itself irrational, but some people have their instinctive fear tuned up so high, so to speak, that they can't be in the same room with a harmless spider. That is irrational even when it's not yet a fobia.

Comment Re:Food chain (Score 1) 107

Irrational fear is not a survival tool. It's a way to get you killed more easily by the thing you fear. Irrational fear makes you panic, and panic makes you do the wrong things, like running away from predators or trying to swat bees with your hands, making them angry and much more likely to sting you.

Comment Documentary (Score 3, Interesting) 139

I voted 'TV show' bit I meant Documentary. And currently I'm trying to reinstall the rule not to watch a screen an hour before going to bed. Watching lit-up screens makes your brain go all Weeee! because of the blue light screens emit. So I read the paper, stroke the rabbits or potter around the house a bit before going to bed. Nothing physically or mentally straining of course. And I drink warm liquids, like tea or hot milk (chocolate or anise).

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