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Comment Re:Stop with JavaScript (Score 3, Informative) 197

it's so great that it'll allow you to just decide to use some member variable somewhere without declaring it

Undeclared variables are implicitly global. A code inspector will warn you about mistakes like that!

there's no way to know the type of a variable

It should be clear from the way it's used or by the documentation (if it exists). This is true of not only Javascript, but every dynamic language. If that's not good enough, use one of the readily-available and straightforward debuggers. Another quick approach is to just console.log(var)

Comment Cross browser? (Score 0) 121

How is Dart cross browser? It only runs in Chrome. Does having a cross compiler to JS make it cross browser? That'd make any language cross browser, which is to stretch the definition to the point of meaninglessness.

Javascript isn't rocket science to use. You've just got to put in the effort to read a couple books to understand that it requires different design strategies from other OO languages. The scoping, prototypes, and events are actually really nice if you bother to learn how to use them properly.

Comment Re:Bike & bikepaths anyone? (Score 1) 111

It's no problem for people in Copenhagen. Minneapolis also has a pretty big modal share for bikes, in American terms. The infrastructure and vehicles are cheap to build, take up little space, are far less deadly, and cause no air or noise pollution. I'd love to see bike infrastructure built up everywhere.


Comment Re:I'd care but... (Score 2) 144

More than 4 gig of memory is a waste for a browser.

Obviously you are not a serious Javascript experimenter! Now that we've got canvas, WebGL, web workers, and audio, there's plenty of memory intensive stuff we can do inside the browser. The only limiting factors that distinguish web pages from real applications nowadays are your understanding of Javascript and how shitty of a browser you're willing to target.

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