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Submission + - Valve finds ad agencies ‘worthless’ (

Samfer writes: With what seems to becoming the routine, Valve recently decided to take matters into their own hands yet again with regards to the marketing of their upcoming title Portal 2. As they did in the past with the Left 4 Dead series, Valve has cast aside the mainstream creative ad agencies labeling them as “pretty close to worthless” and offering “copycat treatments”.

Submission + - Facebook Wedding Photos Result In Polygamy Arrest (

An anonymous reader writes: Police in Michigan have arrested 34-year-old Richard Leon Barton Jr. on charges of polygamy, thanks to incriminating wedding photos on Facebook. The man unfriended his first wife on the social network before marrying his second wife, but unsurprisingly that wasn’t enough.

Submission + - Japan Quake Raises Texas Aquifer 1 ft. (

An anonymous reader writes: Energy released from last week's massive earthquake in Japan affected the walls of the Edwards Aquifer, the sprawling underground rock formation that supplies drinking water for much of Central Texas, raising its water level by about one foot. The oscillations during high-energy earthquakes are common in artesian aquifers. "We saw Haiti, we saw Sumatra, Japan, a couple in Mexico and Alaska."

Submission + - iPhone 5 To Put Antenna Woes To Bed? (

Anonymous Coward writes: "New model rumoured to have done away with troublesome exterior rim

Apple put iPad 2 rumours to rest by unveiling the next-generation tablet last week, clearing the way for media and bloggers to obsess about another company product reportedly in the pipeline: the iPhone 5.

Summer launch expected
If Apple follows its pattern from past years, this summer will see the release of its next iPhone. And according to a report in Taiwan’s Economic Daily News, as repeated 7 March on blogs such as Apple Insider, Apple’s upcoming smartphone will emphasise aluminum over the iPhone 4’s glass casing, and possibly eliminate the exterior antenna rim that has caused the company no end of headaches.

The iPhone 5 will also reportedly include Apple’s A5 processor, just unveiled in conjunction with the iPad 2. Backing the smartphone with aluminium instead of glass, in theory, will help prevent the scratches that cause a certain subset of iPhone users to burst into tears of unimaginable grief.

The elimination of the current iPhone’s exterior antenna rim could slam the final coffin-nail into an issue that’s plagued Apple since last summer, when iPhone 4 owners reported that gripping the smartphone in a certain way, with their bare hand, resulted in radical signal dampening. Those “death grip” reports sprung back to life with this year’s release of the Verizon iPhone. A bumper or slipcase around the iPhone 4’s antenna rim will solve the issue, at the cost of the device’s minimalist aesthetics.

Rumours have also been flying around for months about possible additions to the iPhone 5, with pundits freely conjecturing about everything from more powerful cameras and upgraded hardware to 3G-enabled FaceTime video-conferencing."


Submission + - Republicans Want To Keep Students Out Of Voting ( 2

siliconbits writes: New Hampshire's new Republican state House speaker is pretty clear about what he thinks of college kids and how they vote. They're "foolish," Speaker William O'Brien said in a recent speech to a tea party group.
"Voting as a liberal. That's what kids do," he added, his comments taped by a state Democratic Party staffer and posted on YouTube. Students lack "life experience," and "they just vote their feelings."


Submission + - Utah to Teach USA is a Republic, not a Democracy ( 1

0ryan0 writes: The Salt Lake Tribune reports here that Utah lawmakers passed a bill today to force public school teachers to teach that the USA is a republic, not a democracy.

. . . because a Democracy would have Democrats in it.


Submission + - Egyptian 'Net Killed By Intimidation, Not A Switch (

jfruhlinger writes: "In the wake of the Egyptian revolution of the past weeks, much tech buzz has focused on the "kill switch" that Mubarak's government used to try to stop Internet-based networking. The New York Times gives the details; as blogger Kevin Fogarty points out, the process involved less high-tech derring do and more intimidation of tech workers by regime thugs."

Submission + - Naughty Dog used Google SketchUp for Uncharted 2 (

Anonymous Coward writes: "When SketchUp was first released by @Last Software in 2000, it was billed as a 3D content creation tool for everyone. While modelers were paying thousands of dollars for complicated packages such as 3DS Max and AutoCad, here’s was a new tool that cost significantly less and was extremely easy to pick up and create with.

Google noticed this fluid design tool and decided to buy @Last Software in 2006. End users were the real winners in that deal as rather than having to pay to use SketchUp, we got it for free.

What no one knew until now, not even Google, was that Naughty Dog use the 3D tool for concept 3D designs. More specifically, Robh Ruppel, art director at the game developer, used it for his initial 3D design work on Uncharted 2.

The thing to remember here is that Naughty Dog is a studio that will have site licenses for powerful modeling packages like Maya and Max, yet Ruppel chose to use SketchUp because “it’s so fast” and allowed him to make design choices that translated over to the game as he was actually creating the environments as he went.

While budding 3D modelers can turn to the open source Blender software to learn the skills they need, don’t forget that SketchUp is also a serious modeling tool and one that may eventually help you get your foot in the door at a developer like Naughty Dog."


Submission + - Ancient Britons Used Skulls as Cups ( 1

sciencehabit writes: A team analyzing bones from a cave in southern England has found what it claims to be the earliest evidence of people using human skulls as cups, dating the practice back to the ice age nearly 15,000 years ago. It's unclear what the function of these cups were, but the team suspects they may have been used to serve the brains of enemies.

Submission + - The French government can now censor the internet (

Psychophrenes writes: A new episode in french internet legislation.
French ministers have passed a bill (original in french) allowing the government to add any website to a black list, which access providers will have to enforce. This black list will be defined by the government only, without requiring the intervention of the legal system.
Although originally intended against pedo-pornographic websites, this bill is already outdated, as was hadopi in its time, and instead paves the way for a global censorship of the "french internet".


Submission + - Appeal wins ThumbDrive maker a trademark (

netbuzz writes: The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has ruled that “thumb drive” is not a generic term and therefore ThumbDrive is worthy of trademark protection. Says the law firm that represented the maker of ThumbDrive, Trek 2000 International: “Fearing that its highly-valuable ThumbDrive trademark would go the way of other unique and famous marks that became generic and lost all their value – such as aspirin, e-mail, zipper and escalator – Trek engaged in a lengthy legal battle to avoid this fate.” And they won, despite multiple previous denials by the patent and trademark office.

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