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Schneier Recommends Nuclear-Style Cyberwar Hotlines, Treaties 123

strawberryshakes writes "Cyberwar is the new nuclear war. Bruce Schneier says governments should establish hotlines and treaties outlining the protocol surrounding cyberwar, just as they would for any other war. He wrote in the Financial Times (paywalled, but available through Google), 'A first step would be a hotline between the world’s cyber commands, modelled after similar hotlines among nuclear commands. This would at least allow governments to talk to each other, rather than guess where an attack came from. More difficult, but more important, are new cyberwar treaties. These could stipulate a no first use policy, outlaw unaimed weapons, or mandate weapons that self-destruct at the end of hostilities. The Geneva Conventions need to be updated too. Cyber weapons beg to be used, so limits on stockpiles, and restrictions on tactics, are a logical end point. International banking, for instance, could be declared off-limits. Whatever the specifics, such agreements are badly needed.'"

Submission + - HP Holds Navy Network Hostage for $3.3 Billion (

Tootech writes: military An anonymous reader writes "From the This could only happen to the Gov't Dept: Someday, somehow, the U.S. Navy would like to run its networks — maybe even own its computers again. After 10 years and nearly $10 billion, many sailors are tired of leasing their PCs, and relying on a private contractor to operate most of their data systems. Troops are sick of getting stuck with inboxes that hold 150 times less than a Gmail account, and local networks that go down for days while Microsoft Office 2007 gets installed in 2010. But the Navy just can’t quit its tangled relationship with Hewlett-Packard. The admirals and the firm recently signed another $3.3 billion no-bid contract that begins Oct. 1st. It’s a final, five-year deal, both sides promise, to let the Navy gently wean itself from its reliance on HP. But that’s what they said the last time, and the time before that.

It’s become a Washington cliché that the military and the intelligence community rely too much on outside contractors. Everyone from President Obama to Defense Secretary Robert Gates has promised to cut back on Pentagon outsourcing. But the Navy’s ongoing inability to separate itself from Hewlett-Packard – after years of trying – shows how difficult that withdrawal is going to be.

Just to make sure its core networks keep running – to make sure marines and sailors can keep e-mailing each other on Oct. 1st — the Navy is paying Hewlett Packard $1.788 billion. (Booz Allen Hamilton, another outside contractor, handled the negotiations with Hewlett-Packard for the military.) The service will spend another $1.6 billion to buy from HP the equipment troops have worked on for years, and to license the network diagrams and configuration documents, so that the Navy can begin to plan for a future in which they’re not utterly reliant on HP for their most basic communications. In essence, the Navy is paying to look at the blueprints to the network it has been using for a decade.

“HP is holding the Navy hostage, and there isn’t a peep about it,” one Department of the Navy civilian tells Danger Room. “We basically had two recourses: pay, or send in the Marines.”"

Submission + - A Quiet Sun (

guigue writes: Although NASA revealed this week a spectacular movie of a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that produced intense geomagnetic activity on Earth, including aurorae, some scientists believe that the Sun entered a long Quiet phase that will last at least 100 years. Similar long calm periods are known in the past history of the Sun, and are called "Grand Minima". It is expected that during the maximum of the current solar cycle, late in 2013, the Sunspot Number will be no greater than 55, a value less than one third smaller than the one registered during the previous solar maximum in 2001, and the smallest during the last century.

Submission + - Weblogger questioned by police for retweeting (

Halueth writes: Dutch weblogger Bert Brussen is suspect in a case where he used a screenshot of a tweet done by a radical muslim leader. That muslim leader sent out a death threat to Geert Wilders and Bert Brussen linked to that tweet in order to let the world see what is going on (Dutch article here: Now the Dutch justice department is not only considering that muslim leader a suspect, but also the weblogger linking to it. Police will question him later this month.

Submission + - RMS: Apple Is More Evil And Restrictive Than MS (

An anonymous reader writes: Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents translated a quote from an interview Richard Stallman (RMS) recently gave to Spanish newspaper El Mundo: "Apple is more evil and much more restrictive than Microsoft because it even limits our right to run applications." That says something, considering that RMS said in the same interview that Microsoft should not exist either. Florian's article explains why he believes Microsoft's use of patents isn't a threat to open source projects and companies. So far at least.
The Military

Submission + - This It How It Feels to Be Under a Nuclear Attack (

An anonymous reader writes: "We're used to see atomic bombs images. From afar, they even look beautiful. But when one explodes near you, that immaculate light will burn your skin and make you bleed spontaneously. 65 years ago today, this is how that horrible flash felt." These are some truly amazing testimonies from the kids and adults who survived the Hiroshima attack.

Submission + - Films that were rumoured to be ghost-directed (

brumgrunt writes: Just because a director gets credit on a film, that doesn't necessarily mean they did the work. For in Hollywood, ghost directors are at work, it seems, and Den of Geek has picked up on ten examples of where that may have been the case...

Submission + - Apple to buy ARM? (

gyrogeerloose writes: An article in the London Evening Standard claims that Apple has made an $8 billion offer to acquire ARM Holdings. For those few Slashdotters who don't already know, ARM makes the processor chips that power Apple's iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. However, ARM processors are also used by other manufacturers, including Palm and, perhaps most significantly, companies building Android phones. This explains why Apple might be willing to spend so much on the deal--almost 20% of it's cash reserves. Being able to control who gets to use the processors (and, more importantly, who doesn't) would give Apple a huge advantage over it's competitors.

Submission + - Escapist Website Mass Bans Adblock Users

An anonymous reader writes: Website TechDirt writes that Escapist website recently decided it would be a good idea to ban users from their forums simply for mentioning Adblock. The thread in question started after a user complained that an add for Time Warner Cable was slowing down his computer. Apparently, users who responded to the poster by suggesting the user "get Firefox and AdBlock" found themselves banned from the forums. Users didn't even need to admit they even used AdBlock to get banned — they simply had to recommend it as a solution to a seemingly-annoying ad. Looking at the forums recently amended posting guidelines does confirm that the folks at the Escapist believe that giving browsing preference advice is a "non forgiveable" offence.

Submission + - EFF Assails YouTube for Removing 'Hitler Finds Out (

Locke2005 writes: In what promises to be one of the quickest threads to become Godwinned, YouTube has pulled scores of parodies of the "Hitler Finds Out" scene from the movie Downfall. Ironically, I had never heard of this movie before this — and now I want to watch it.

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