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Comment Re:Gates and Zuckerbergs Vision for America (Score 1) 249

come out with a differentiated product... Just being able to pound out the same ol' scripts and O-O classes won't get you there though

The trick is to indeed pound out the same old thing, but market it as something new and different, such as "cloud" or "node" or "parallel" or "3D coding" or "Shiny Bullshit on Rails", etc.

In my many years in the industry, I'm still amazed at the power of bullshit. I suppose we could view such as job security as each fad creates a rewrite of the same things projected into the fad or language of the month.

Comment Re:Good thing climate change isn't real! (Score 0) 293

How much evidence is required before denialist clowns will be convinced...

Never. They'll always blame it on something else, magnifying small errors or mistakes into mass conspiracies or blame it on some small factor like supernova radiation. It's what aholes do.

The New England Patriots apparently took a page out of their play book*. They claim the self-given moniker "deflator" found in the ball boys' text messages regarding Tom's footballs are about dieting and not ball deflation.

It's the mentality of "win at all costs".

* Bad pun intended.

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