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Comment Re:Wasn't there an Apache helicopter simulator... (Score 5, Interesting) 83

My (5 story) building houses several commercial aviation sims, everything from MD-88s to 777s, and supposedly (I have only been here about 3 months) if you take them into a stall or crash it can shake the entire building. In fact my coworker that sits across from me jsut today paused for a second and said that it sounded like someone crashed a sim, and they are 2 floors below us.

Comment Re:Amateurs (Score 3, Insightful) 133

As far as Eastern European country bank heists go, this guy is an amateur. The way professionals do it is by first controlling the government and the media. Then you steal the money (say some 7-8 billion) by funneling them through a chain of hollow companies to offshore accounts. Finally you set one of your partners with whom you have unsettled depth as the fall guy, while you yourself use your political connection to become the head of the local equivalent of the FBI:

Bulgaria's CorpBank: A Tangled Web Of Fraud

Or just become President like Putin did

Comment Re:Same stuff, different day (Score 1) 296

3 1/2 story behemoths without regard for aesthetics of any kind.

OK, so someone is replacing architecture the summary writier prefers with something they prefer. Different people have different tastes. Get over yourself.

That's my thought. I visited Seattle a few years ago and stayed in Tacoma. All the houses to me (although decent size) looked run down with rotted wood, really odd paint scemes, and clearly decades old construction. Those town homes actually look pretty decent to me, with a style you see in a lot of urban renewal type situations. So basically it sounds to me like people paid a lot of money for small, "historic" homes and are worried the "feel" of their street will change and property values will drop because more modern housing is going in.

Comment Re:Take the responsibility onto yourself (Score 1) 532

And if he was to prescribe a standard antibiotic, you can buy them yourself at a pet supply. The same antibiotics used for fish are the same that you are given. Exactly the same, just different labels and no prescription required.

I used my dead dog's prescription for a sciatic disk in my back when my prescription ran out and I had a flare-up. She was prescribed the exact same medicine and dose as I was (hers was for torn ligaments in her legs I believe), and we just never threw out the medication after she died.

Comment Re:Teamsters (Score 2) 228

Teamsters? Are you serious? They have already ruined the work force in AMERICA! Because of teamsters company's are leaving the US to go other places! Myself and my family have lost a good paying job because of unions and teamsters are nothing but GREED! Don't get me wrong in the early days we needed them but of late teamsters are nothing but greedy lazy groups of people!!!

Now, I'm not a union man either, but how exactly do you offshore domestic freight transportation? Is there a room in India somewhere where people are driving big rigs around like drones?

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 302

There's a public health concern for food fixed in private residences too. Hear about the incident a few weeks ago where people got botulism at a church potluck?

And the idea is a commercial vehicle (especially one operating as a taxi) is going to spend more time on the road, meaning it is going to need more maintenance sooner than a private vehicle driving possibly well over 100 miles a day compared to 40-50 for a private vehicle. As such regular vehicle inspections are a very good idea.

Comment Re:Good (Score 4, Insightful) 302

If you think vehicles need safety inspections, there's no reason whatsoever to restrict that to taxis. It should be for all vehicles or for no vehicles.

So because the Department of HEalth doesn't inspet your home kitchen they don't need to inspect restaurants? If something is being used to provide a commercial service to the public it should be held to a minimal standard of safety.

Comment Re:Aw shit! (Score 2) 140

The worst one was where they advertised a guy who took out a loan to fill up his car. Yes, the car he probably just hocked the title to. I actually yelled "Are you fucking kidding me?!?" at my TV.

My favorite is the title loan one (it may even have been title loan restructuring, now that I think about it) of the guy with 2 young kids in a 2500+ sq ft house washing a car that is at most 1-2 years old. You might want to try downsizing before you enter into a predatory title loan with near userious interest rates.

I also love the radio and tv commercials advertising "low" rates of $200-350 a month on car leases, while I am driving a brand new car for $125 a month that I will have paid off less than 1.5 years after I bought it. Of course, instead of living beyond my means I actually live below my means so I am not stressed out at the end of every month waiting on a pacheck to pay bills. I just don't have to drive a Lexus/BMW/Mercedes or own my own McMansion.

Comment Not the point (Score 2) 347

Why would they invite scientists to this panel? That's not what these are for. THe whole point of panels/investigations/committees is for those sitting on them to make public statements about whatever the issue is. If they even bring people in the Senators/Reps hardly ever ask questions, they use their floor time to read prepared statements or make comments. When they say "Senate Panel on X", it doesn't mean they are going to be asking experts about X. It just means you can expect soundbites about X from the politicians to be played back or reported on in their home districts.

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