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Comment Re:I can now get arrested for NOT killing somebody (Score 1) 734

Are we going to blame the barista who got her order wrong, the thief who stole $20 dollars out of her purse, the washer-machine that ruined her favourite dress, or the boy who broke up with her (theoretical occurrences).

No, no, no, and no. I'll refute point by point:

The barista - without further information it is most reasonable to conclude that the barista did not have malicious intent, mistakes happen

The thief - obviously the thief has malicious intent in that they stole money but not intent to kill her as you made no mention of attempted homicide, they were after the money, not the girl

the washing machine - non-sentient appliances cannot be blamed for anything as they lack intent

the ex-boyfriend - unless he also joined in harassing her then no, again, lack of malicious intent

Now compare that to two girls repeatedly harassing, intimidating, and generally being little shits over an extended period of time with clearly demonstrated malicious intent ("Go drink bleach and die")

One of these things is not like the others...

Comment Re:And I blame my parents (Score 1) 734

The kid could run away? Really? Your solution for bullying is to have the kid strike out on their own into an even more hostile environment that will happily eat them alive? (And keep in mind the victim here is an adolescent girl...nope, no risk of even worse things happening to her once she's out of the house, no sir!)

Please tell me you do not have children of your own. I don't think I could come up with a worse solution if I had tried.

Comment Re:Looks European.... cue the conspiracy... (Score 1) 302

I stand ready to trade my dirt for your gold

The value of gold versus dirt is not intrinsic, it is contextual.

If you and I were on a desert island and I have a cubic meter of arable soil to grow food with (i.e. dirt) and you have a cubic kilometer of gold, I'm gonna hold onto my dirt. Why? Because in the context of being stuck on a desert island, gold does not have much usefulness. It's too soft to make tools, too dense to make a boat or useful building material, and inedible. Dirt on the other hand can be used to grow food, something that I need more than any amount of gold.

Could you build some useful items out of gold on such an island? Probably. I'm sure it would make some very pretty planters or pipes for irrigation but those pipes would only be useful in conjunction with my dirt so again their value is contextual.

Ergo, in the (admittedly artificial) scenario I just described, dirt is more value than gold.

Comment Re:Escape reality. Don't half-escape it. (Score 1) 288

Bullshit, the Red Cross was more than happy to sue Bioware over using a red cross on healer's kits in Neverwinter Nights. (because god forbid that somehow an item named "healer's kit" or "health kit" might dilute the brand of a major humanitarian organization frequently involved in the distribution of medical supplies to distressed areas)

Comment Re:Torture works (Score 2) 288

Torture doesn't work because no one talks. Obviously everyone talks after enough persuasion has been applied. The problem with torture is that you cannot be sure that the info extracted is actually accurate or not. If you don't actually know the answer your handlers are looking for you will give them something reasonable sounding simply because you want the pain to stop. Whether or not the data is true is immaterial to you, all that matters is pain and the cessation thereof.

That's the problem with torture, you get plenty of data I'm sure, but the quality of the data is very debatable and bad data is even worse than no data at all.

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