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Comment Re:Vaccine is coming (Score 1) 409

> do not trust doctors and hospitals (for a good reason I think)\

Ehm, what good reasons do people have not to trust doctors and hospitals??!!

I lived in South Africa for many years and know a lot of doctors there. One of them said that lots of blacks die because they go to the doctors and hospitals too late because they do not trust them. By the time they arrive they are half dead already because of what the which doctors told them to do. Not very helpful.

And then their families do not trust the hospitals either because all their relatives die there!

Comment Re:Methinks the maiden protesteth too much (Score 3, Insightful) 207

Or maybe someone should tell you that if they spend millions of dollars on something it is their right to sit on it as long as they want to. Since when is it your right to tell them what to do? Do you think you will be happy if Lionsgate takes your personal documents with the argument that you should not be sitting on it for so long?

Comment Re:Better question... (Score 1) 228

Rumours were that Bill pushed him out at Microsoft because he was spending too much time with his gourmet hobby than actually doing his job.

Despite the knee-jerk anti-anything-that-ever-came-out-of-MS bullshit of slashdot Nathan Myrvhold is actually a better cook than 99% of the people here. He knows his stuff.

Comment Re:Speaking as a guy in his 40s... (Score 2) 370

In my job the young one is arrogant, stuck in his ways. All his life sat in mom's basement hacking in C, and used to claim that he refused to program in C++ because it is too high-level for him.

Now, because of management decree, he is in a Rails job. His first words when reporting was "I have never really developed in OO languages before". Hates Windows. Hates Adobe. Hates any Linux other than Gentoo. Hates PDF files (in the publishing industry). Hates mobile devices (but does web dev). Hates Wireless LAN.

Problem is that what he hates he never works with. And that makes him incompetent.

Management refused to reassign him. Now, after 3 years of trying, I am about to leave in frustration. So it goes both ways.

Comment Re:The cloud (Score 1) 387

I agree. Whenever some hacker whackjob here destroys things /. always goes into "blame the victim" and "they should have had better security" and "hackers can do whatever they want because they are attacking 'the system'". No. Screw the hackers. I am fully for the British government's idea of making the punishment proportional to the damage caused which would basically entail life-long imprisonment. Actually I am all for the death penalty for serious hacking and virus cases. Start shooting the bastards.

Comment Re:Wait.. (Score 0) 411

I live 7km from Fessenheim (in Germany, Fessenheim is right on the France/German border), and everywhere around here the Green fcktards have posters wanting to close the place down. Every time someone in the plant lets steam escape from the tea-kettle in the kitchen the greens freak out. Every few weeks they block the bloody bridge over the Rhine and then they block the traffic on the highway and then they block this and then block that. As if disrupting normal traffic is going to help.

When we moved into our house a few years ago we got a information sheet from the local government about what to do if Fessenheim blows up. The school has anti-Fessenheim posters in it. So do the creche, the kindergarten, the town hall and probably the its printed on the toilet paper of the mayor too.

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