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Comment Re:It's all a plot (Score 2) 503

Actually, the GOP was afraid of bad weather in some of the states leading to Paul wins. If the delegates pussy out because of a storm, I'm more than positive the Paul people will fight there way to the convention. I just don't know what the rules are... Can they cancel the convention? Do all delegates have to show?

Comment Rural folk (Score 1) 279

There are about 48 millions Americans in rural areas, so about half of them can't get high speed access. I'd say that isn't a huge deal, I'm guessing most of these people are either too poor to get it, or wouldn't care about faster speeds in the first place. Which is probably why no one has bothered to bring the link to them.

Comment Re:The questions developers ask (Score 0, Troll) 249

That's the difference between a good developer and a crap dev. A good dev will put years into their product, and give a game that people truly love like an artisan spending months to years on a single piece. A crap dev will crap out a product every 6 months, make a truly forgettable game (it has to be otherwise people won't buy the next one in 6 months time!) like cheap imported furniture that is going to fall apart in a year anyway.

By your standard DNF must be one hell of a polished and superb game!

Comment They're all terrible (Score -1, Troll) 757

four years of Obama would do less damage than eight years of Romney.
four years of Obama would do the same damage as four years of Romney
four years of either will cause economic CARNAGE in the US.
A tsunami of economic woes is about to land on America's shores from Europe's mountainous debts.

The US is in a VERY precarious position with it's MOUNTAINOUS debts.
In a lot of ways it is in a worse position than Europe, the markets just haven't woken up to that fact.
$16tn of National Debt + $84tn of unfunded liabilities.

The US has just reached a MAJOR milestone.
It is 100 TRILLION DOLLARS in the hole.

Romey has said NO CUTS.
His budget is INSANE.
The 2012 military budget is $1,219bn
Romney and the Ryan budget want to INCREASE it.
I have seen conflicting reports.
One said an extra $2.1 tn over a 4 year term.
One said more than $200bn each and every year ad infinitum (I think it was $238bn).

Ryan's budget is totally absolutely INSANE

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