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Comment Re:FYI (Score 5, Insightful) 292

The difference in salt is relatively unimportant.

The difference in salt is of primary importance since the purpose of Gatorade is to provide those salts that are lost during the natural process of perspiration.
You're also ignoring the caffeine present in the Mountain Dew and not in the Gatorade.

Gatorade is far from the healthiest choice of beverages to be swilling down in large amounts, however it is substantially different nutritionally than Mountain Dew, and your comparison is lacking in my opinion.

Comment Re:Make people want to pay for your product, (Score 1) 687

third, who are you to decide what is fair? you didn't write the app, and have no idea how much time, effort, and resources went into the development. if it took me 3 man years of development, and i had to pay to license some technology, and i decide it needs to cost $30 for me to recoup my losses and make a small profit, who are you to tell me different?

I am the only one with access to the necessary data to decide what value I attain from the use of the software.
It doesn't matter how much it cost you to provide, if you can't provide it at a price that matches the value it gives to me then it costs too much.

In your example, if you need to charge $30 to make money and I don't get $30 of value from the use of your software, then you're the one that fucked up, not me.

Comment Re:Older = how old? (Score 4, Informative) 264

To be fair, at 25 years old and over 200 games bought on steam I think I fit the target market for PC games pretty squarely, and I just upgraded my 8800 GTS to a GTX550Ti on my computer that is around 6 years old.
I went from needing to run at medium/low settings at 1080 to being able to run just about everything maxed out at 1920x1200 for about $120.

Comment Re:Typical bad summary (Score 5, Informative) 355

I pretty sure no serious (by which I mean logically sound) skeptical arguments deny that CO2 contributes to warming.
The actual controversy is over how we can expect the warming to be exacerbated or alleviated by feedback loops.
"Alarmists" tend to claim runaway positive feedback loops will cause a dramatic rise in temperature in the near future, while "denialists" tend to argue that these positive feedback loops are counteracted by negative feedback loops that tend to keep the temperature within a reasonable range.

Comment Re:Oh no! 18+ (Score 1) 87

In your own home, with your parents present you are allowed to drink with their permission. However I've never known anyone who drank even primarily in such a fashion, let alone exclusively.
By far the most common form of alcohol consumption as a teenager in the US is binge drinking at a party:

Comment Re:Oh no! 18+ (Score 1) 87

If you're under 21 and at a party drinking alcohol you are a minor in possession, which is against the law in the US.
Nearly everyone drinks before 21, as a point of reference I was home-schooled by fundamentalist Christians, wasn't a particularly wild child, and I still was drinking (illegally) long before 21.

Comment Re:Ignoring the problem. (Score 3, Interesting) 274

Find me a windows system where every driver works without a single forum hunt... You're delusional. I use windows almost exclusively, mostly because I game a lot, and I have problems requiring forum hunting all the time.
Just today I've spent ages trying to get this stupid usb headset driver to work in 7x64. Apparently Rosewill still hasn't made it easy after however many years 7 has been out.

A normal user using Ubuntu or another well crafted distro will have a computer exactly as messed up as their windows computer would be.

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