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Comment Re:Speeding not always an issue (Score 2) 335

The science often does boil down to measuring the average speed. It's not really practical to do an assessment for every mile of tarmac out there.

Here is a good read. It's about preventing accidents generally, but the author makes a few good points about those times when road saftey policy is decided with no real consideration of how people should drive or how they actually do.

Comment Re:More like Chrome? (Score 1) 248

Other than greed, I can't understand why they don't just make an agreement with Google or Mozilla - preferably both - to have one of their browsers automatically installed with Windows.

For the sake of argument, why should they? Why should any company be forced to distribute a competing product? It's not like it's at all difficult to install a browser of your own choice.

Comment Re:Action movies are boring. (Score 1) 332

Fascinating... I don't think I saw that episode, there are many of the ST:Enterprise eps I didn't see.

You're not missing much, basically just Archer doing his usual huff-and-puff self-righteous speechifying and Tucker once again reminding us that he's been in space before. A weak episode even by Enterprise standards.

Comment Re:pretty sad.. (Score 1) 80

surely they could have found uk-based partners, investors and developers?

No, we've actually seen the programmes in question so, apart from Doctor Who, we be uninterested in seeing things that have been on the television for the past twenty-odd years. Domestic developers probably know that this park is something that will get a bit of interest for a few months then devolve into a ghost town, peopled by a handful of foreign tourists who've already been to Buckingham Palace.

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