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Comment Re:Do we really care? (Score 1) 346

A 1.5GB binary? That obviously includes the OS.

Seriously now:

I cannot fathom how, why or where-in-gods-green-earth such a large binary exists.

An average 50% CPU reduction is notable, yet the data encompassing that claim seems to be the exact same width, height and breadth of a White Elephant, a deployment nightmare, and a bandwidth raper, Frankensteined.

It is a grotesque salute to everything unjust, immoral and plainly fucked up in the coding world.

Comment Re:-2000 Lines Of Code (Score 1) 304

Thanks for that little gem of folklore! Adding that to my library next to "The story of Mel" :-)

I spent a few years writing integration systems between QB and in-house software. I gave it the benefit of the doubt at first. I won't ever get those years back.

After aeons of debugging against their "API", and "UI", battling with their licensing and development "support" dept's, submitting bug reports (resulting in delaying their releases), I have concluded: Their code base is rubbish. It's flaky at best, likely contains yarns of spaghetti and unused cruft, is highly flammable and is likely to cause hemorrhaging if swallowed.

Comment Re:How about gameplay? (Score 1) 197

The real shame is the decline of the adventure genre, which derived from interactive fiction, which was all about story.

A great genre that engages your imagination. These modern games in question are obviously not inspired by the art of storytelling.

Its more like boilerplate text they use to glue cutscenes.

Comment Re:An open gaming platform exists; it's called the (Score 1) 184

An open gaming platform exists; it's called the PC. PCs can use USB game controllers or wireless game controllers with a USB dongle. Please convince me of why an open gaming platform marketed for connection to a television is needed.

It may be a fallacy to assume everybody will be carting their consoles wherever they go, yet I agree that PC's are the best choice for most of us here. Well said, Sir

Comment Horseradish (Score 1) 184

These skeptics can't string two original thoughts together: fuss-potting on the DRM aspect, which is clearly not the main focus of this new console!

Time to wake up, The Humble Bundle statistics prove that DRM-free games are indeed wanted.

Similarly, and open gaming platform is much needed. The corporates are just afraid of losing their fatty grips.

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