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Comment 'Cultivated disinterest', indeed! (Score 1) 227

I road race bicycles. I don't even watch Tour de France when that time of year comes around, except maybe the half-hour stage highlights, but even then only when I've got nothing better to do or watch, let alone watching any other pro cycling events on TV. I sure don't go out of my way to watch any other pro sports either. The one exception is between sets at the gym, because that's what's on, and for 1 to 3 minutes there's nothing else to do or see. Honestly, I don't really get the interest in sitting for hours watching some other guys playing sports on TV; I'd rather be out doing it myself.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 5, Interesting) 307

Alternate subject line for you: "Naivete inversely proportional to age", or "Young people proven yet again to be generally unwise, don't know the difference". The NSA has it's own propaganda machine, and guess what? Apparently it's working, what a shocker. There is an entire generation out there who have been raised to believe that 'not sharing' is anti-social and a symptom of some sort of mental illness, and that only people with something to hide want 'privacy'. Organizations like the NSA, and companies like Facebook and other so-called 'social media', which really are just data collection services for the government and marketers, are playing the long game of indoctrinating young people into the concept that their natural, normal need for privacy is wrong, bad, and an illness; if they're allowed to continue this, the next generation may not even know of such a thing as 'privacy', and maybe even react violently to the idea, like someone is, ironically, trying to take something away from them. They don't get that the world they live in is becoming more and more like a prison or a zoo, with them being the ones behind the bars, being watched 24/7/365. Meanwhile they're also being taught to not think, not question anything, to not work things out themselves, to ask an 'authority figure' instead; someone I used to work with had a phrase for people like this: 'Monkey button-pushers', people who can be taught to do a task, but that don't (or can't) understand really what they're doing. People have too much done for them, are less and less incentivised to actually learn how things work, learn skills, or to think creatively.

Comment If encryption is outlawed.. (Score 1) 431

..then only outlaws will have encryption. Just like firearms. Do these idiots really think that getting rid of or putting backdoors into encryption is going to reduce crime and terrorism? They actually think that criminals/criminal organizations/terrorists are going to be polite and use encryption that police and intelligence organizations can easily break? LOL I'm dying of laughter over here!

All encryption, all the time, and NO BACKDOORS in ANY of it. Ever. Suck it, intelligence community and law enforcement, go have your little fantasy police-state somewhere else WE DON'T WANT IT.

Comment Excuse me, are you THREATENING us, now? (Score 4, Interesting) 392

..collateral intrusion into privacy â" we are likely to end up in an ethically worse position than we were before

Translation: Give away your privacy to us, now, or we'll TAKE IT FROM YOU.

Memo to 'Intellgence community': GO FUCK YOURSELVES, ASSHOLES.

Enough is enough. This shit has to stop, now. We are free citizens of our respective countries (..well, OK, some are more free than others, some aren't very free at all. One problem at a time); we are not inmates in a prison, which is exactly how they want to treat everyone: Monitored and guarded 24/7/365, and all communications monitored and inspected. FUCK THAT SHIT!

Comment What if.. (Score 1) 99

What if I come up with some original concept (for sake of argument let's say it's something revolutionary and significant. I wish!) and I decide that I want as many people all over the world with it as I possibly can. So I post it on the Internet in as many places as I can, post it on USENET (which I haven't used myself in years, so I'll also say 'or USENET's modern equivalent). Let's say I'm very successful in this, and millions, maybe billions of people have my idea in their hands, for free. Are they saying that this still doesn't qualify as 'public domain'? Are they saying that some corporation can scoop up this idea, copyright it, claim it's now their Intellectual Property, and sue everyone else who has it and uses it? Clarification, please. I can't believe there isn't a way to do an end-run around these stupid copyright laws such that you can't intend something to be free to everyone without there being a bunch of legal paperwork 'licensing' it to everyone for free.

Comment Nice thinking outside the box, NASA! (Score 0) 83

This is something I'd expect in a science fiction novel, not the real world, but I'm not knocking the idea at all, I think it's rather brilliant, in fact.

However: Serious technical challenges, here. In development, they'd have to find some way to simulate the Martian atmosphere; can be done. Martian gravity? Not sure how you'd do that, but let's put it aside for now. 'Autonomous' is putting it mildly! This would have to be a bit more than your garden-variety quadcopter drone. I believe we have the technology for a system to map the ground below it with high enough resolution to allow it to find flat, level ground to land on (laser and/or radar?). I'll assume there are winds of some sort on Mars like there would be on any other planet that has an atmosphere, and we've had enough probes there to know what those winds are like (on the surface, at least). Run-time during flight would be a potential problem, although the gravity on Mars is less than that of Earth so it would take less energy to fly, right? Maybe a combination of an on-board nuclear power source like used on long-range space probes, plus batteries and solar? Unused power generated from the nuclear source and solar together recharge the batteries, wasting little. Of course what I don't know here is what a nuclear power sources' mass is, and would become very relevant for something that is going to fly; have to look that up later. How about disaster recovery? One bad landing, ending up upside down or on it's side, and it's all over unless there is a way to get it to right itself reliably. How about mode of flight? I'm thinking VTOL, which would allow it to conserve power by being able to operate in fixed-wing mode over longer distances, but there's the question of overall mass, and what would the wings have to look like in order to get sufficient lift in the Martian atmosphere?

A million questions! If they did this, I'd love to be a fly-on-the-wall (or a tech working on the project) during development and production of the probe.

Comment Re:I have an even better idea (Score 1) 304

If I can disable it, or take my foot off the brake and have the brakes disengage, or press harder and have the brakes engage harder, then fine. If I suddenly find myself stomping on a pedal that does nothing because it has no mechanical linkage to the master cylinder, then that's a non-starter. Braking and steering systems MUST have a mechanical linkage to fall back on or I must classify such a vehicle 'intrinsically unsafe'.

Comment Re:I have an even better idea (Score 3, Insightful) 304

Let's just train and test drivers more thoroughly to keep unqualified drivers off the road in the first place. Driving may be a privelege and not a 'right', but just beefing up the punishment side of things isn't going to help much compared to making drivers competent in the first place. We're living in an era where people are getting less and less skilled at pretty much everything, and have need to learn fewer and fewer things, because of the internet and because of more and more cheap gadgets.

I do not approve of any system that will arbitrarily override my basic controls of the vehicle, it's a bad idea. Why should I or anyone relinquish control of braking to some anonymous software writer(s) that may or may not have covered all possible contingencies properly? Just one more system to fail in your vehicle. No, I propose we educate, train, and test drivers more rigorously, and if they're not truly competent, then they don't get to drive.

Comment Re:Sad to hear this (Score 1) 184

Hate to tell you son, but I think that's exactly what's going to happen to 4chan. I give it 3 months before it completely self-destructs in some way or another. Most likely it'll end up subscription-only based, with traceable usernames and all that crap, like any other website. It's almost totally mainstream for quite some time now anyway, this is just the straw that breaks the camels' back. Might even just completely fold and go away (and nothing of value was lost). Enjoy it while you can, it won't be around much longer.

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 1) 148

On the one hand: I understand your use of sarcasm here. 99.999% of all Islamic types are like everyone else: They want to live their lives in peace, be left alone, and leave everyone else alone.
On the other hand: All it takes is one asshole with a truckload of fertilizer, diesel fuel, powdered magnesium (for good measure), and a little common explosive to detonate it, to ruin a whole bunch of people's lives, permanently.
I'm not condoning politicians' knee-jerk reaction/reflexive power grab/power-grab-by-design, or whatever is actually going on here, but I'm just sayin'..

Unfortunately we seem to be living in a world and time where there are way too many assholes all at the same time, and it's wearing thin on everyone.

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 1) 148

However, most people are unable to distinguish between islamists, islamistic terrorists and normal muslims.

So how do you do that, hmmm? It's already been established that gender and age have no bearing on this equation, nor does citizenship or ancestral background, or even what country you were born in, so what's your magic formula?

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 1) 148

You're actually expecting the French to not be their usual passionate selves as much in this case as in any other case? And of course you expect politicians from any country at all to not have knee-jerk reactions to extreme circumstances? Come on, don't be naive.

On a lighter note: Don't know if anyone else noticed it, but I raised an eyebrow and quirked up a corner of my mouth over the use of the word 'atomic' in the summary; did we get transported back to 1945 or something while I was sleeping?

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