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Comment Re:So What (Score 0) 312

So, shall we make bets on who it was that modded me down to -1: A racist, a sexist, or for bonus points, at least one of each? How about a couple white supremacists? They tend to be both racist and sexist.

NOTE: Not liking a comment, or just plain disagreeing with it for personal reasons, is NOT a valid reason to mod a comment down, all it does is show what an ass you are. Racism, sexism, religious bias, prejudices in general -- these are all reasons why we can't have nice things. They're standing in the way of humans actually being considered 'civilized' instead of just animals with better tools and toys. So go ahead and mod this comment down to -1 while you're at it, and mark it as 'troll' or 'flame bait', too, because if you're going to show the world what an ass you are by misusing mod points, you may as well not do it by half measures. Shall I post my personal email address, physical address, and phone number too, so you can send me death threats? Same mentality.

Comment Re:Licensing of operators, registration of drones (Score 1) 368

And you know what? I'm perfectly OK with all that, and before you get all pissy with me for saying that, place the blame for it all (if that's what ends up happening) with the parties responsible for it happening: People who can't be bothered to play with their toys in a responsible manner.

Comment Re:More by whom (Score 1) 368

What this legislation is, is the beginning of the necessary paper trail, which if drone owners continue to be irresponsible with their toys, will inevitably lead to privately-owned drones being outlawed. With any luck it's just a relatively small group of knuckleheads who don't have the sense to know not to do this, and them getting slapped with fines, or bills owed to the State for the trouble they caused will serve as an object lesson to the rest of drone owners: Keep your toys out of the way of emergency services.

Comment Re:Is this really something new? (Score 1) 368

Actually I was thinking that a small net dropped or flung at the offending drone would be very effective. All you have to do is foul it's rotors and it drops like a rock. Also that way would potentially allow for retrieval later by officials, who might be able to determine who owns it, so they can level whatever criminal charges are appropriate and/or levy fines.

Comment Re:Why no radio kill switch? (Score 2) 173

I used to have CB radios back in the day, and got part of my start in electronics with building amateur radio gear, too. Disconnecting the antenna on a transmitter will reflect power right back into it, and if it's a semiconductor final amp, it'll overheat and blow out in short order. Transmit power really isn't all that relevant. Besides which without knowing for sure how a transmitter will handle it, why take the risk? The 'repair' might be $1000 for the replacement of an entire module that, for one reason or another, isn't repairable. Also, again: Voiding the warranty on your vehicle. At the very least you'd want to disconnect the antenna from the transceiver and substitute a dummy load (preferably a well-shielded one in this case) so nothing gets damaged, but wireless communication still gets disabled.

Comment Re:Is this really something new? (Score 5, Interesting) 368

Agreed. If your car is parked in the way of firefighters, you might find your windows smashed open, and a firefighters' hose run through it. Drones shouldn't only be no different, but in fact even more 'expendable': they're a nuisance, and for all we know some drone pilot might be intentionally trying to hamper firefighters' efforts.

I say, shoot them down with no hesitation whatsoever. They are toys being played with by irresponsible persons, who may even have criminal intent.

To the inevitable nudniks who are going to yell and scream about muh private property and muh freedoms: shove it up your ass. You and your goddamned little flying toys shouldn't have any rights in this situation. Play with your toys responsibly or lose them.

Comment Re:Why no radio kill switch? (Score 1) 173

Sure, that'll work.. and you'll probably void your car's warranty in the process, and very possibly damage the transceiver(s) using that antenna, if/when they try to transmit and and blow the final amplifier transistor(s) out because there's no antenna. Having a hardwired switch that kills power to the transceiver(s) would be a more elegant and practical solution.

Comment Re:Valasek and Miller are assholes and should be a (Score 2) 173

At least they're assholes in the public interest. Is what they did borderline criminal? I'll leave that up to public opinion. But what they've done is justify the fears that many may have had, that what they've seen in movies and television shows isn't fiction but reality. They're not be the heroes we need, but perhaps they're the heroes we deserve. Be thankful at least that no one was injured, and that the truth about this was revealed.

Comment Re:Islam is our only hope (Score 1) 79

AC, people like you make a good argument for the Internet going back to pre-1990's era, where only Universities, the military, and the government had access to the Internet: The surest way to ruin a good thing is to get too many people involved with it.

You're not funny, you're not clever, you're not even remotely interesting, and you're not wanted. Just leave. Go take up basket weaving, or knitting, or some other handcraft, rather than spewing your verbal diarrhea all over the Internet via your keyboard.

Now, back to the actual topic-at-hand: Can these anti-neutrino detectors work from a satellite in geosynchronous orbit? If so, then why not implement them that way?

Comment Re: Global Climate != Local Climate (Score 1) 385

Blah blah blah WORDS. All one has to do is look at your commenting history to see that you're just a skeezy, useless little troll. Just about every single comment you leave is some argumentative CRAP against something someone else said. Do the Internet a favor and find another hobby.

Oh, and that 'angry hole' you speak of? It's the fault of YOU and 'people' (using the term uber-loosely here) like you. You turn the Internet into a unmanaged cesspool with your useless bickering. Seriously: Go take up basket weaving, or knitting, or something else other than the verbal diarrhea your fingers translate at the keyboard.

Comment OPINION: America is FUCKING UP BIG TIME (Score 1) 305

It's completely and totally WRONG that we need to import workers in order to get shit done in this country.. or is it more about what they're getting paid, and not about their skills? If it's about skills, then when and where did it happen that we stopped being on the cutting edge of things?

Memo to America: Step it up. You're a first-world country for fuck's sake, act like it.

Comment Re: Global Climate != Local Climate (Score 1) 385

Tell you what, jerk: I'll play your little game. Here's how it's going to work:
1. You plan on meeting me in person.
2. You bring the following: Your birth certificate, photo ID, your degree(s) from an accredited University, along with transcripts to back them up, proving you have the education to claim there is no such thing as global warming.
3. Then I take all this, and spend weeks verifying it's all for real.
4. Next you provide your white paper(s), peer reviewed by the scientific community, proving no such thing as global warming.
5. Next I spend months verifying all your sources, and nit-picking your logic and conclusions, and doing my own experimentation (where possible) to prove or disprove your claims.
The whole process will take probably a year or two, depending on my schedule.

What's that? You don't want to do ANY of that? Then shut the fuck up, you're just another idiot blathering on the Internet because you don't like someone else's opinion on some subject, and are such a pathetic little powerless nobody that arguing on the Internet is all you have in your pathetic little life to make you feel relevant .

Now go fuck off and troll someone else, I have more important things to do with my time than waste it on the likes of YOU or anyone like you. Go take up knitting if you're bored, at least you'll produce something of worth that way.

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