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The Sun Unleashes Coronal Mass Ejection At Earth 220

astroengine writes "Yesterday morning, at 08:55 UT, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory detected a C3-class flare erupt inside a sunspot cluster. 100,000 kilometers away, deep within the solar atmosphere (the corona), an extended magnetic field filled with cool plasma forming a dark ribbon across the face of the sun (a feature known as a 'filament') erupted at the exact same time. It seems very likely that both eruptions were connected after a powerful shock wave produced by the flare destabilized the filament, causing the eruption. A second solar observatory, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, then spotted a huge coronal mass ejection blast into space, straight in the direction of Earth. Solar physicists have calculated that this magnetic bubble filled with energetic particles should hit Earth on August 3, so look out for some intense aurorae — a solar storm is coming."

Comment Re:Does it burn fuel on the highway? (Score 1) 208

Actually I would like to see how fast I could go round and round in a traffic circle with one before launching onto one of the exit vectors. Electromotive breaking, stellar acceleration, hopefully it has a gforce comp active suspension too.

Yep, I could demonstrate how not to drive this car and have a great deal of fun doing it ;)

Comment Re:Somebody call the waaaambulance (Score 1) 1018

"Hell, the data center I run makes millions every hour, but I don't expect that I should make 7 or 8 figures because of it."

Well I think you should, and you should get one of those fluffy shiny heavy gold parachute dealies too and some authentic Cuban cigars (the huge stogie kind that smell good) as long as you give me one.

Submission + - BP Gulf Oil Spill Population Poisoning is the same (

BC_Man writes: "The smoke from oil well fires contained a cocktail of chemicals, notably benzene, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide". The same chemicals as are around the spill. This is why the health problems are the same across Iraq war soldiers, oil spill workers and local population. Crude oil is toxic. These people need to know this so their health can be treated !

Submission + - Be The One to help restore America's Gulf (

almondo writes: Please join us in demanding the restoration of America's Gulf. As BP works to buy off scientists and cuts cleanup efforts the damage grows and the survival of America's Gulf hangs in the balance.

Submission + - Heartless Company Attacks Little Girl, Hospice (

Moryath writes: In a Mafia-like demonstration of why copyright laws are insane, the unbelievably heartless grinches at New York-based Bourne Music Co decided that a 10-year-old girl's attempt to raise money for a children's hospice by performing an homage to a Charlie Chaplin film needed to be squashed like a bug. While it would have been simple to acknowledge her, they instead demanded payments of $2000 for making the video available for only one year (the video itself had a budget of nothing, since the staff time and equipment usage were donated by Phil Steel and Sound Sense), plus they demanded $250 for every time the girl was caught singing the song in public. Please feel free to tell them how you feel.

Submission + - Less than a year of IP addresses left ( 2

mikejuk writes: We have known for some time that the number of IP4 Internet addresses isn't sufficient but we have reached a tipping point. IPv4's countdown has fallen below 365 days which means that at the current rate of consumption there will be no more IP addresses to hand out in less than a year.
Many commentators are referring to the coming IPv4 address crunch as another Y2K. Given that Y2K was less of a disaster than predicted we might as well hope that this is correct.

Comment I can smell corruption from over 1000 miles away (Score 1) 636

Face it, Ohio is an openly crooked place where you are required live in fear of cops.

Dirty cops are dirty cops, Ohio is a police state.

I wondered why the Ohio plates always hung out in the left lane dragging ass when they are here.

You can spray Lysol on shit all day, and at the end of the day it is still shit, even if a crooked judge says it isn't.

Unless you know them or someone more powerful than them, you lose.

To quote "Patrolman Henry Hill, Colorado Springs PD"...
(truly the biggest rolling pile of crooked lowlife fat slob shit disguised as a cop I have encountered in my life)

    "I don't need to hear your side of the story. It is your fault and you are getting a ticket."

This loser later committed blatant perjury against me in El Paso county court to protect his drinking buddy who had rear ended me.

Some cops are good, some cops are fair, some cops are bad, some cops are just garbage with a badge.

I'll just skip Ohio since the true distance between 'estimating speed' and 'just making shit up' is just a fat crooked fucker with a quota eating a donut and hiding in the ditch with the rest of the roadside trash.

Fuck Ohio, it's dirty cop/judge show, and all the slow cowering idiots from there who block the left lane on I-95.

Comment Is it real or is it vaportheft (Score 1) 350

You can really only have a loss if the product would have actually been sold in the first place.

If a billion machines are running DungoSoft Doornob 2100 with the exploding back orifice extensions and nobody has paid me, how much have I lost.

If the list price is 29,999.95, I could naively claim that I am out 29,999,950,000,000.00, or around 30 trillion dollars.

But the reality is that if only 1 of the 1,000,000,000 copies of the product would have actually been purchased had the user been forced to pay my assertions would be well, questionable.

Then there is the Vista people running XP fiasco. Many people are still running XP because vista was(is?) so pathetic that when they bought brand new machines, the defective fraudware shipped on them had to be replaced in order to return them to a functional state.

How much did Billy steal from us when he ripped off everybody and tried to sell you an 'upgrade' to downgrade you XP.

Imaginary theft may be over $51B but I would assert that real theft (actual lost $) is in fact less than 5% of that.

Comment You hear some noises in the distance (Score 1) 302

As you draw nearer you determine that the noises are coming from a sad apple sack whining and scheming with it's fleet of lawyers.

"Uh, can we sue him?", "Can we have Interpol ransack his house?", "Can we have the Queen behead him and say it was an accident?", "Hmm, okay, I guess will just fabricate some more monopoly objective disguising BS and write another laughable open letter".

Comment Re:Controller? (Score 1) 118

Because you would want to intern the controller in carbonite with it's mother to preserve it for the outdated lame game console resurrection.

360, a high tech alias for 'the runaround'.

MS EULA: You don't really own this bathroom fixture, we do, and we can drop the big and final load in it whenever we wish.

Sorry Billy, your device has ring around the collar, and all the kings men wouldn't waste their time duct taping a bricked Xbox back together again.

The Courts

JPL Background Check Case Reaches Supreme Court 112

Dthief writes "A long-running legal battle between the United States government and a group of 29 scientists and engineers of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, has now reached the US Supreme Court." At issue: mandatory background checks for scientists and engineers working at JPL, which they allege includes snooping into their sexual orientation, as well as their mental and physical health.

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