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Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 121

I absolutely agree with the poster. Also, Germany is a country where privacy laws are taken über-seriously (pun intended). They also take crime very seriously. Whoever made the call to send the police in must have either balls of steel, perfectly knowing the media shitstorm that would ensue.

Comment How many people RTFA??? (Score 1) 154

Seriously, it's not long, it'll only take a minute of your time.

As far as the article I would really like to read documents relative to the gag order and the source of the news; as mentioned in a few comments, is this gag imposed on twitter itself or users using twitter (the twitters legalese is specific on the subject and knowing UK judges anything is possible). Also, is the gag order specific to UK users or does this judge think we still live in colonial times (I repeat: anything is possible).

I could go on but as I was typing I stopped caring...

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