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Comment Re:Right Place (Score 1) 448

Our condo building provides "basic" cable as part of the maintenance fee. I'd be all for dropping even that to save a little money. Over the air TV still exists, after all, even if the choices are limited. But given that I don't even watch what I have available now, I doubt that I'd care.

Comment Re:Poor choices to use proprietary cause this! (Score 1) 129

But the real point, I think, is that even if everyone/most users can't fix a bug in open source code (similar to the prior poster, I've also fixed small and medium ones, but waited for fixes on complex stuff), there are people who can, and will, and do. Even though, for the really obscure things, that group may be small, there is no absolute dependence on some group that has access to closed source code. This seems like rather an advantage for open source.

Comment Re:To FCC (Score 5, Interesting) 293

I always find that interesting. The high-end hotels, charging hundreds of dollars per night, also charge outrageous fees such as $20 for 24 hours of internet access, two dollars for a local phone call, etc. The $50 motels give you all of that for no extra charge. The only explanation I can come up with is that the high rollers just expense it all and don't care about the cost.

Comment Re:limited resource (Score 1) 94

I am an "old guy" and in "my day" (don't you love these geezer expressions?) the library was all there was. If you lived in a big city the amount of information and knowledge available to you was much greater than if you lived in a small town with a small library. Up to date reference books? Most of them were a decade or more old.

It all had a certain quaint charm to it--- I always loved visiting the library--- but it was unbelievably ineffective. It is so much better today, when incredible amounts of information and knowledge are available to just about anyone, anywhere. And if you want an honest to goodness up to date reference book, Amazon and the Amazon marketplace will have it and can get it to you quickly, and, at least much of the time, affordabley.

(As alluded to in posts above, sometimes too much --- sorting through the chaff is the issue now.)

Comment Re:Not unexpected. (Score 2) 141

I'm neither an Apple nor a Microsoft user. There is no need for me to criticize either of them (especially from a standpoint of a non-user with limited knowledge). I just ignore them and go on my own way. I'll leave the complaining to people who actually use their products.

On the other hand, I can see complaints from non-users on the basis of compatibility. I do get tired of people saying "send me a Word document" and the like, but they just get whatever LibreOffice puts out and that will have to do. It generally becomes a non-issue. (I don't deal often with complex formats that use every feature on the menu.)

Comment Re:Sounds more like technical short-sightedness (Score 1) 250

I left my iPod Shuffle in a pants pocket and put in through a wash and dry cycle. It didn't survive[1]. Am I better off or worse off? I certainly never used iTunes, though; I managed it with a Linux application.

[1] Apple's hardware is pretty solid, but this was a little too much.

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