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Comment Re:Substantially correct, but . . . (Score 1) 270

You should review your history a bit- from wikipedia:

In 1951 Mohammad Mosaddegh was elected prime minister. He became enormously popular in Iran after he nationalized Iran's petroleum industry and oil reserves. He was deposed in the 1953 Iranian coup d'état, an Anglo-American covert operation that marked the first time the US had overthrown a foreign government during the Cold War.[92]

Comment Re:Went to classical myself (Score 3, Informative) 361

That's what is interesting about classical music though- unlike popular music often times the music does not become popular until the public is ready for it. Bach finished the Sonatas and Paritas for Violin in 1720 and the music was not actually published until 1802, long after his death. Even then it was not popularized until 50 years later.
If anything this is a testament to Bach's genius, discussed more in the book "Godel Escher and Bach" which I highly recommend.

Comment Went to classical myself (Score 1) 361

Used to listen to rock and metal but I acquired tinnitus several years ago racing motorcycles. Listening to anything else is painful, but I have also really grown to appreciate classical for it's own merits. There is something amazing about music written almost 300 years ago that is still moving and relevant.

An example would be Bach's paritas and sonatas for violin which are still considered to be an apex in music.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Prison Messaging System JPay Withdraws Copyright Claims 141

Florida-based JPay has a specialized business model and an audience that is at least in part a (literally) captive one: the company specializes in logistics and communications services involving prisons and prisoners, ranging from payment services to logistics to electronic communications with prisoners. Now, via Cory Doctorow at Boing Boing comes a report from the EFF that the company has back-pedaled on a particularly strange aspect of the terms under which the company provided messaging services for prisoners: namely, JPay's terms of service made exhaustive copyright claims on messages sent by prisoners, claiming rights to "all content, whether it be text, images, or video" send via the service. That language has now been excised, but not in time to prevent at least one bad outcome; from the EFF's description: [Valerie] Buford has been running a social media campaign to overturn her [brother, Leon Benson's] murder conviction. However, after Buford published a videogram that her brother recorded via JPay to Facebook, prison administrators cut off her access to the JPay system, sent Benson to solitary confinement, and stripped away some of his earned "good time." To justify the discipline, prison officials said they were enforcing JPay's intellectual property rights and terms of service.

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