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Comment Re:lmao (Score 1, Insightful) 395

Why? Seriously? Why?

Why aren't men and women allowed to like different things, and why aren't those things allowed to be different? Where did free will go? Why is there the assumption that equality means 50% female engineers? What if both women and men don't want that? Eventually you will have to force people into careers they don't want to reach a goal that never made sense to begin with.

Men and women are different. They want different things. Demanding 50/50 representation isn't equality, it's the cruellest oppression of human nature.

Comment Re:Extract a bit more fun from the field ladies (Score 1) 395

Invading then sanitizing men's spaces is a well documented female behaviour pattern that pre-dates modernity. It stems from the fear of what men are up to when not under the direct control and influence of their wives. No matter how tame, men interacting with men is seen as a dangerous threat. These days not even video games men enjoy are safe.

Comment Re:conspiracy theory (Score 1) 3

I've met those nutters too. It's sad they can't differentiate science from fiction. The saddest part is that they do have some legit concerns. Geoengineering is a thing. Cloud seeding is a thing. It's OK to not want it in one's state.

I've seen this with past "movements". Moneyed powers would deliberately fund the crazies so that the few legit concerns they have won't get traction. I'm not sure there's any money behind geoengineering, so these guys might just be cranks. Too many conspiracy theories have turned out to be true, so there might be something deeper behind this trend. They seem too organized and funded to only be crazies. Follow the money.

Comment Re:That should help with shipping routes (Score 2, Interesting) 117

Northern Greenland had camels and deciduous trees before the last ice age. For all we know it had a huge thriving human population. Most likely people did live there. We will never know. Considering we should be nearing an ice age if we didn't release all this carbon, I'm totally OK with global warming. We have a long way to go as far as historical temperatures go, and I'm not concerned if there will be winners and losers, that's normal for history, and people have plenty of warning not to buy ocean front property. Not my problem.

Comment Re:Discrimination based on merit of your business? (Score 1) 88

People in BC don't understand capitalism, it's really sad. I know because I live here. When someone asks a business to provide a service but the order is too large to handle, that's when the price goes up and then it's easy. Saying "no", especially when there's no competition, is outright insanity. At some price it's easy to provide any amount of power.

If they're willing to pay for nuke plants, they should get nuke plants.

Comment Re: Through taxpayer pockets. (Score 1) 88

Saying "no" outright is an absolute travesty. If something cannot be done properly for a certain dollar amount, you ask that company to pay more until it's a net benefit to tax payers and residential customers. Canada is so ridiculously anti-business that in another generation everyone will be living naked in the forest and eating mulberries.

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