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Comment Re: It Is Not Politics (Score 2) 661

You got one thing right. The state is evil. And by state I mean the government itself, not Wyoming per se.

If, in order to solve this problem, the liberty and freedom of the people in Wyoming to run their own lives and government needs to be sacrificed, then I will never agree with your "solution" to this problem.

If we must give our liberty in order to survive, then count me as your enemy. What good is life without liberty?

Oh and your all powerful government you require to solve this problem, if it's at all like all the all powerful governments that have come before, it'll have to destroy the environment in order to save it.

Comment Re: Undefined (Score 1) 800

And here is the greatest irony. Self-driving cars, if widely adopted, will save THOUSANDS of lives, but its the edge cases like this that will slow our ability to have this new technology because lawyers are salivating at the potential to sue Google because a tiny number of their autonomous cars will face unavoidable crashes.

Comment Re:But is it even usable? (Score 1) 208

Initially I thought that might not be true because tape will still be linear and you would still need to move it past the read heads.

But, if you work to make the read heads (and the tape) wider you could still have the same velocity of tape, but write more data (on top of the more data you're writing because of density increases) and actually achieve very good throughput.

Comment Re:Triple dipping? (Score 2) 135

The margins that the big ISPs operate at are obscene.

The "EVIL" oil companies make billions on tiny margins, around 8%.

The are article quotes nearly 40% margins for the big ISPs. This is a sign of a monopoly market, of collusion, of protective government regulation, basically is a sign that the big ISPs are really really fucking evil.

It a true market a 40% margin would not stand.

The FCC needs to either work for the citizens of this country and make the internet common carrier, or they might as well disband. Outside of making the internet common carrier, almost every action they are taking is as bad than doing nothing at all.

Comment Re:Back to One Man, One Vote (Score 2) 818

Yeah, we should go back to the Fairness Doctrine, that requires BOTH sides of every issue to be covered.

I find it massively insulting that we are consistently led to believe that issues only ever have TWO solutions. The structure of the Fairness Doctrine reveals its fatal flaw, and in fact the fatal flaw of American Democracy today; that we're all supposed to line up behind one of TWO teams.

The Fairness Doctrine was an evil impediment to free speech, as far as I'm concerned it should never return.

Comment Re:Sex discrimination. (Score 1) 673

I don't know why women don't want to go into computing as a field.

I DO know that both of my daughters do not want to go into computing like their Dad. I have asked them this directly.

For whatever reason, they do not have an interest in computing. This is not for lack of effort. I have never withheld resources from them from using and working on any of our computers, and in fact they participated willingly when I coached the lego robotics team in our town. But programming just isn't their thing. They just weren't interested in it.

I'm not going to force them and I'm not going to blame society. Boys and Girls are different and no matter how long people try to pound out those differences they aren't going away.

I have worked with many women who work in IT and programming and many of them have been excellent coders/engineers/analysts.

Is it possible that all the women that want to be in computing choose computing and its just a fact that women don't choose to do computing as often as men do, and could it be possible that that really isn't actually a big deal?

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