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Comment Re: Queue the deniers (Score 1) 387

Stop saying that it would cause massive economic harm, because that is bullshit. In fact, it would (as always) mean jobs.

If I go around breaking my neighbors' windows, that creates jobs for glassmakers and window installers. Never mind that my neighbors would rather have spent their money on something other than fixing broken windows.

User Journal

Journal Journal: In Passing: If i only knew then what i know now

As the two people exited the elevator, they started to talk about kids and graduation, who was in college and who in high school, one mentioned that she still had a son in high school (iirc): "Why did i space out the kids like that? If i only knew then what i know now."

Comment Re:Run a completely new OS? (Score 0) 257

They also own Palm OS, don't they? That ran on hardware not much different in basic architecture than what's being proposed here, though on a much smaller scale. I think I still have a Palm III kicking around at home somewhere; it had 2 MB of SRAM to hold software and user data. Instead of needing to load programs from some other form of storage, it would execute them from wherever in memory they were stored.

Comment Re:term limits don't matter (Score 2) 247

Bingo. If there are millions of dollars in subsidies at stake or a multi-million dollar firm, paying a bunch of lawyers to take a bunch of lawyer-politicians to dinner and on vacations.

Force Congress to work securely from their respective state houses (make the lobbyists travel if they want to influence) and simplify the tax code (a recommendation of the President's Simpson-Bowles commission which only the GOP has embraced) and you'll go a long way to limit influence.

Comment Re:Annoying. (Score 1) 347

A business called "BT Wholesale / aka OpenReach"

Actually, BT Wholesale is a separate unit from Openreach. Openreach manages the 'final mile' services: all the copper wire, the local exchange buildings, and some but not all of the equipment in there. A few UK ISPs build their services on top of Openreach's products directly: TalkTalk and Sky, for example, went and installed their own DSLAMs in those exchange buildings, paying Openreach to connect the copper wires to them. BT Wholesale also takes those Openreach products, adds in their own national backbone and offers a service to other ISPs: they'll install a fast fibre backbone link to the ISP's premises/facilities, and connect the customers through that to the ISP.

This can cause problems; my own ISP is a BT Wholesale customer, so when I had a fault earlier this year they had to report it to BT Wholesale, who passed it on to Openreach to deal with. Openreach came out and tested their bit - my phone line, and the VDSL equipment on each end - and found nothing wrong there, so closed the fault. After six visits, BT Wholesale (or rather, BT TSOps and the Adhara Ops team at Adastral Park, where the fault got escalated to in the end) eventually found the problem was on their own backbone (a faulty router was corrupting traffic between certain IP addresses - one of which happened to be a core router at my ISP).

I agree with the overall approach, though, having a separate and regulated entity run just the local loop portion. (In practice, Openreach is still a part of BT - hence I got a sales pitch from at least one of the six Openreach engineers about BT Retail being a better option. Against all the rules - Openreach are officially supposed to be neutral - but could that ever really happen in practice while they're still the same company?)

Comment Re:Other way around (Score 2) 711

They purchased AMC 20 years prior to your vehicle purchase. And Jeeps have never been known to be things like 'leak free'. OTOH, I was rather impressed with how they built them, at least relating to the 1978 CJ5 I used to have. Ran several miles at highway speed with no oil in the sump. And for tens of thousands of miles after refilling it :D Oh, it had about 80,000 miles on it when I bought it. But problem free? Well, how did the oil drain out?

Point is, if you had gone by anything other than anecdotal evidence, you would have known what you were in for.

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