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Comment A terrible thing to be teaching smart children. (Score 1) 663

At worst, I guess that a system like this means that some smart children will be crushed. But certainly, a smart child would realize what the expected answer would be. However, what kind of mentality does that set up in a child? Having to lie/embellish the truth to authority figures because they don't know any better would certainly be alienating, and (speaking from experience as someone who probably would be considered "gifted" in the american education system) with all the other children having such different ideals and being angry at you for expressing complex and confusing opinions instead of just rolling along with the groupthink there's just not anyone else there (unless there's other smart kids to hang out with, I guess). This would set you up to go into adult life with the attitude that you're surrounded by dangerous cretins that you have to subjugate for your own safety - and only if they're strong enough to fight back you regard them as human beings. Not to start a flamewar, but this certainly explains the apparent popularity of "Atlas Shrugged".

Comment Re:i always hated the fcat (Score 1) 663

You know, that's the weird thing I've never understood about american college. In my country this sort of "general education" stops at senior high, and if you want a degree in something after that you simply study for the degree at university, a degree being a certificate of a collection of accomplished courses in that field. Why would you waste an adults time with irrelevant things, especially if that person is paying you to teach it to them?

Comment Always had excellent teachers. (Score 1) 663

(I'm swedish, not american, yada yada...)
Aside from a few outliers I've always had excellent teachers, especially in senior high. When I complained to the math teacher that I had difficulty solving problems (l discovered later that I had ADD, simply couldn't keep the numbers in my head for long enough) he borrowed me his copy of "how to solve it" by Pólya. At the first chemistry class the teacher told us an anecdote about how he'd taught students to make fireworks and how a few students later had tried making a batch for new years eve - killing one and maiming the others. So, no fireworks. One of my phys-ed teachers was an ex-jaeger, the other a former acrobat and the curriculum actually included some theory as to why and how you should do things. Shop class guy was a carpenter by trade. My electronics teacher was a former EE (though unfortunately I think he was a bit schizophrenic, he sometimes gave us quizzes on alchemy... nevertheless, he seemed to know his electronics well...), etc.

Even those teachers who didn't have professional or academic backgrounds had at least an interest in teaching the students actual knowledge about whatever they where teaching. Looking back, I think you could say that the only bad teachers where those who didn't have knowledge about the field they where teaching, regardless of being qualified teachers. Excepting those who had personality disorders and such - one female teacher in middle school had "real aspergers" and couldn't deal with people. She once threw a book in the head of poor Johnny (his actual name) beacuse he kept making such noise. Later, poor Johnny was assaulted by the librarian because she had forgotten to take her antipsychotics. Poor Johnny grew up to be a manual laborer AFAIK. Not that it matters here, because professional manual laborers have pretty high salaries.

Comment Plugin repository (Score 1) 194

Maybe someone linked to this already, didn't check all the posts: the official extension repository

The extensions are implemented in JavaScript. You can get a debug console by typing "lg" in the alt+f2 run prompt. The extensions already in the repo includes ones that revert the UI to be more like Gnome 2, as well as at least one system monitor plugin of the type people seem to be pining for. I haven't tried hacking around with this and I don't know how good the API documentation is but people do seem to get stuff done with it.

Comment Seriously. (Score 1) 194

Maybe I'm some sort of edge case who just happens to have the same preferences as the developers, but I like Gnome Shell. It's minimalistic, it's fast, it does things exactly like I want them. With the theming plugin it even looks less gauche; personally I prefer a uniform dark grey on black as far as UI widgets go. I've used most every window manager and desktop environment under the sun, so it's not like I'm talking out of my ass here.

Protip: you can set a "spawn terminal" keyboard shortcut under the keyboard menu, along with shortcuts for navigating the workspaces.

Submission + - Boeing prepares an ultra-secure smartphone (

An anonymous reader writes: "Earlier this week, it was revealed that aerospace firm Boeing was working on a high security mobile device for the various intelligence departments. This device will most likely be released later this year, and at a lower price point than other mobile phones targeted at the same communities. Typically, phones in this range cost about $15,000-$20,000 per phone, and use custom hardware and software to get the job done. This phone will most likely use Android as its main operating system of choice, which lowers the cost per phone, since Boeing's developers don't have to write their own operating system from scratch."

Submission + - A Crab-Based Computer (

mikejuk writes: No this is not a joke.
You can build a computer out of all sorts of things — mechanical components, vacuum tubes, transistors, fluids and ... crabs. Researchers have discovered that soldier crabs have behaviors suitable for implementing simple logic and hence — with enough crabs — you can achieve a complete computer.
The Soldier crab Mictyris guinotae has a swarming behavior that is just right for simple logic gates. When two crab swarms collide they fuse to make a single swarm — and this is enough to build an OR gate.
It seems you can build a computer out of almost anything.

Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Shadowrun Returns (

Securityemo writes: Jordan Weisman, creator of the "Shadowrun" line of pen-and-paper role-playing games has apparently initiated a kickstarter project together with many long-standing Shadowrun authors and artists, aiming to create a 2D turn-based single-player game with a deep storyline and character developement. Will this game finally be the one that does full justice to the PnP version, making up for the mediocre 2007 first-person-shooter interpretation?

Submission + - Computer Science at University of Florida being demolished (

goodguynews writes: The dean of college of engineering at University of Florida has decided to destroy the long standing Computer Science department.
In the pretext of budget cuts she is all set to put forward a proposal that will cut down all research from the department, fire most professors and staff and distribute the remaining faculty to either Industrial Engineering, Electrial engineering or Biomedical engineering. She confidently states in public that Databases belongs to Industrial Engineering, thereby making a mockery of herself and her position.
The Computer Science department is amongst most revenue generating department and attracts THE MOST international and american students.
Despite these facts the dean is misrepresenting the budget and vital figures and has given a less than a week's ultimatum before she finalizes this. Watch videos and for more info visit the website.

Comment Re:Blashphemy??? (Score 5, Insightful) 796

Well, people in my country worship a man who was allegedly tortured to death over 2000 years ago. There are life-sized statues of the man, wearing only a rag, nailed to a cross in every temple. People wear smaller depictions of the torture instrument as a good-luck charm of sorts. Part of the rites involve drinking wine and eating a small piece of bread in the belief that it, in a spiritual sense, is the blood and flesh of this poor man.

Well, I guess it's a lot more intimidating than a jolly elephant man at least? Keeps the unwashed foreign tribes at a distance.

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