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Comment Re:In space (Score 1) 470

You are the one who posited that an explosion was a chemical reaction (not true in this context), and wouid create an "atmosphere", and therefore you can hear it in space.

Lol.. Star wars is only one movie with explosions in space. Wikipedia defined explosion not me. So both your points are seemingly useless in this context.

I do not know why you feel compelled to opine on things you know nothing about, but be prepared to spend a life of being corrected.

You mean trolled right? Because so far, all I have gotten was you who is too afraid to log in and have your silly ideas associated with an online persona spend more time trying to attack the messenger instead of the message. Corrected doesn't mean what you think it means.

As for your tantrum, something must be going on in your 14 year old life. Are you being "butt hurt" by someone? You should go to a teacher and report it, no one should touch you in your "special place".

lol.. How original- I see what you did there, you took what I said and added a few words to pretend you were smart. Or did someone say that to you earlier and you were repeating it because you think they are smart?

Comment Re:In space (Score 1) 470

That is very much likely but it still serves a worth while purpose. Suppose something outside your space station explodes. You would hear it if it is close enough, it would likely transfer noise through the hull of the craft, microphones and sensors could also pick up the noise.

It wont be anything like in the movies but there can be sound and it can be benificial in making you aware of dangers near your ship.

Comment Re:They will move to a different charging model (Score 1) 488

Not quite a surcharge for solar where I live but they separate grid tie in from usage for me. It's part of the deregulation BS where you can pick your supplier. I don't use enough to make moving beneficial so I stay with the original provider. They show the grid tie in, the current costs of the market rates and ad .02 or something like that. Not around a bill right now, but it increases my monthly bill about $15 when they did it a few years ago as apposed to before.

Now a neighbor wanted to do the net metering with a wind turbine on his farm a few years ago. They said he had to estimate the amount of energy he would supply and would be penalized if he went over or under and he has to go with commercial rates instead of residential with a farmstead exemption (allows the lower of the two rates whichever it happens to be).

Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 0) 460

Well, your scenario is exactly where you need to start using your real intelligence. Take for instance the conservative claim that climate scientists are just spinning their doomsday scenarios to get those "fat" research checks or to advance some other agenda.

Well, you do realize that claim originated from Frederick Seitz right? He was after all, the former president of the National Academy of Sciences, decorated by NASA and a few other organizations, president of a university and set up and funded a complete lab at another. It's not like that argument was pulled out of thin air and follow the money which is the modern version of it is only the same that was put forward by the AGW crowd and even you somewhat round about in your post. I mean if anyone who is a "denier" is a paid shill, it can work both ways.

This is where you brains are supposed to kick in when you realize that energy companies are willing and able to fund their research in a lavish style that government research simply can't and won't match.

No energy companies sponsored Seitz when he made the claim. Some of the groups that were ran with his quotes but that's nowhere close to what you are implying.

Further, your brains should be able to tell the difference between honest attempts at research vs. simple attempts to delay and undermine research.

Yes, like when the democrats checked to see when the hottest day of the year would be, turned the AC off, did things to make the room hotter, and then scheduled a hearing on global warming? And yes, that is what happened in 1989 James Hansen later said he thought it was perfectly acceptable to exaggerate because he thought the cause made it necessary or some shit like that. (Its been a while since I read the link and it doesn't resolve any more for some reason).

Oh, and I should note that Wirth left politics specifically to take a high dollar job at one of Ted Turner's charities.

So yes, don't trust everything you are told, but use your analytical skills to understand motive and source reliability.

Indeed, if I had the time to find and show the connections between the political solutions to global warming and the scams behind them, some of which is outlined in Al Gore's book earth in the balance where he chastises how the conservatives inveighed against 'atheistic communism', along with the original Kyoto accords and support for groups like Jubilee2000 and it's offshoots

Even more recently, this crap continues to be distorted for political gain.

So yes indeed, do not trust everything you are told. Use your analytical skills to understand motive and source reliability.

Nothing is as clean as you think it might be. Politics has co-opted this subject from the start.

Comment Re:In space (Score 1) 470

Who fucking cares about star wars? Are you butt hurt or something because they used it as a prop to show what is all wrong with movies or something? I mean seriously, you have failed to disprove anything I have said and keep insisting something about star wars. Is your life really that pathetic that you have to cry when you are not correct or your favorite thing is put in a bad light?

Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 1) 460

Lol.. Like I said, for treatments of ailments that happen to be a lot like your reality- only in your head.

Now do I need to spell that out? Placebos are particularly effective on people who are not ill but think they are- a condition commonly referred to as hypochondria. It's similar to your Schizophrenia but more limited to ones body.

Now on a more serious note, I have only once ever recommended anyone not seek professional treatment for an ailment. It was a specific type of cancer along a specific progression and I have seen people wither away while being treated. The cancer is quick to kill once it develops enough to cause functional problems in the body. In this stage, treatment is a long shot and most of the extension on life is spend vomiting from Chemo or sedated and unconscious because the amount of pain killers needed would kill you anyways. I told someone with it about watching them try to save my grandmother and how miserable she was the last 5 months of her conscious life (lived sedated for 2 more months) compared to the usual 2-3 weeks of bothering before death. That person chose to be treated and before being so far gone he couldn't communicate any more, told some people he should have listened to me. Outside of that, it all exists in your head.

Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 0) 460

I think ypu started yo see it but tripped and fell right past it. In all your examples you mentioned situations where you sought out their advice. Now suppose ghat didn't happen and a doctor came up to you out of the blue and said take these pills. Imagine a lawyer who is not your lawyer walking up to you suggesting you do the no contest thing.

Thats were we are with the situation today. The vast amount of exposure someone has with a real scientist is where they say the world is ending and a politician steps up saying vote for me, i eill fix everything and it will only require part of the freedom you have today.

Comment Re:In space (Score 1) 470

It would make noise anywhere the expanding gasses reached before disapating. Immediately is a reletive term.

This is what happens when people think they are smarter than others but fail to pay attention- poor reading comprehension.

Comment Re:Devil's advocate here... (Score 4, Insightful) 126

Its a little more complicated than that. First, these monopolies are piggybacking on infrastructure and right of ways granted by laws in most cases that were intended to remedy a public need as defined by the government. They recieved tax benifits, exclusivity, and the benifit of time before there ever was an ability to deliver internet on that infrastructure. Why it was ever considered separate is a question that muddles the mix.

  Next comes the question of consumer protections. If you purchase service with speeds up to 10 meg, no matter how it is spun, you simply are not getting that if they slow your access down in order to make these fast lanes. Along these same lines, there are still benifits in yhe form of tax breaks and grants to expand infrastructure for delivering broadband to underserved areas. Now does the broadband definition still apply if the connection to your work or school VPN is slower because netflix paid for fast access and your neighbor is binging on movies the first four months of his unemployment?

Now do not get me wrong. If they can create a fast lane without slowing any other customer down below the speeds they purchased and it is optional, i do not have a problem with it. It likely will not be that way though.

Comment Re:1 Billion Barrels (Score 1) 201

Ahh. My troll is back. I was wondering what happened to you.

So you think you can work me over with a dildo so well that i would be begging you to stop.while i know you wouldn't be capable on your own, i don't know whether to be flattered by your interest or scared that you think you would be superman in any relationship with me. Oh well, at least i know what drives you now. I'm not gay but i do not care that you are. So hug hug kiss kiss and please stay on topic as you cowardly troll me.

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