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Comment Re:should be a long time for most people (Score 1) 125

Yes. I have had Charter for a long time, only because I have no other real choice. I have actually considered DSL and wireless as options because I hate Charter so much, but I stay after I really think about how awful DSL and wireless would be. Charter sucks, but not as much as DSL and wireless.

Comment Re:We should be studying this now (Score 1) 105

"maybe we don't know everything there is to know about geoengineering"

That is the understatement of the year. More like, we know almost nothing about geo-engineering. The reason we know almost nothing is that we have only studied a few dozen accidental effects on the climate from human activities. We have these accidental effects, and we have computer models. While I concede that the computer models have gotten quite good lately, I certainly would not bet the planet's future on their ability to accurately predict unintended consequences. So, that leaves what? Are you proposing that we try some trial and error experiments? If you are to get much data from this it would have to be huge. It has taken a century of burning fossil fuels as fast as we can get it out of the ground to get us into this mess. What kind of trial do you suggest?

Comment Re:Geo-engineering is intrinsically riskier (Score 3, Insightful) 105

I wish I had some mod points for you. This is exactly the issue. Our climate system is incredibly complex, and new complexities are always being added to climate models as we discover them. The geo-engineering solutions might look good in one dimension, but have virtually infinite potential forks that lead to unintended consequences. The real question is, Are we willing to try a geo-engineering solution that is certain to have unimaginable unintended consequences? Unfortunately, the answer is probably yes. There are many stories about various schemes that have been implemented and produced profound unintended consequences, so it is obvious that that won't stop folks from trying it.

Comment Re:" reason to think it couldn’t..." (Score 1) 152

Actually, it is close to certain that this chamber will erupt eventually. Eventually, on the geologic time scale, could be a really long time from now, on a human time scale. The Snake River Plains were formed by an eruption from this very system about 11 million years ago. That was long before our ancestors became human, so it really was a long time ago. When it does erupt again, the humans might be long gone. Or, maybe not.

Submission + - Facebook and Instagram are down (

sixthousand writes: As of 1:30AM EST Facebook and Instagram are widely reported being down. It is yet unclear whether this is a localized or global outage. A statement was released at 1:51AM EST on the Instagram Twitter account which reads: "We're aware of an outage affecting Instagram and are working on a fix. Thank you for your patience." Could this be the result of excessive usage caused by homebound users across the northeast due to winter storm Juno?

Submission + - Childhood neglect erodes the brain (

sciencehabit writes: In perhaps the most famous study of childhood neglect, researchers have closely tracked the progress, or lack of it, in children who lived as infants in Romania’s bleak orphanages and are now teenagers. A new analysis now shows that these children, who display a variety of behavioral and cognitive problems, have less white matter in their brains than do a group of comparable children in local families. The affected brain regions include nerve bundles that support attention, general cognition, and emotion processing. The work suggests that sensory deprivation early in life can have dramatic anatomical impacts on the brain and may help explain the previously documented long-term negative affects on behavior. But there’s some potential good news: A small group of children who were taken out of orphanages and moved into foster homes at age 2 appeared to bounce back, at least in brain structure.

Submission + - EFF Unveils Plan For Ending Mass Surveillance ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published a detailed, global strategy for ridding ourselves of mass surveillance. They stress that this must be an international effort — while citizens of many countries can vote against politicians who support surveillance, there are also many countries where the citizens have to resort to other methods. The central part of the EFF's plan is: encryption, encryption, encryption. They say we need to build new secure communications tools, pressure existing tech companies to make their products secure against everyone, and get ordinary internet-goers to recognize that encryption is a fundamental part of communication in the surveillance age. They also advocate fighting for transparency and against overreach on a national level. "[T]he more people worldwide understand the threat and the more they understand how to protect themselves—and just as importantly, what they should expect in the way of support from companies and governments—the more we can agitate for the changes we need online to fend off the dragnet collection of data." The EFF references a document created to apply the principles of human rights to communications surveillance, which they say are "our way of making sure that the global norm for human rights in the context of communication surveillance isn't the warped viewpoint of NSA and its four closest allies, but that of 50 years of human rights standards showing mass surveillance to be unnecessary and disproportionate."

Submission + - SciAm Fansubbers Score Hungarian Viral Hit (

soDean writes: Editors at Scientific American noticed they were getting a TON of hits on the video, "What Happens to Your Body after You Die?”. To their surprise, the majority of the views were originating in Hungary.

Most Hungarians don’t speak English (fun fact: Latin was the nation’s official language into the mid-19th century. So, dice quod ad tuum Latin magister.) How were they enjoying our video? In their native language, via our crowd-sourced translation community on Amara! Köszönöm (thank you) to our Hungarian translators on Amara (especially to Sándor Nagy), and to all 1,064 of our translators on Amara who have translated 81 videos into 71 languages.

Submission + - DEA Cameras Tracking Hundreds of Millions of Car Journeys Across the US (

itwbennett writes: A U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration program set up in 2008 to keep tabs on cars close to the U.S.-Mexican border has been gradually expanded nationwide and is regularly used by other law enforcement agencies in their hunt for suspects. The extent of the system, which is said to contain hundreds of millions of records on motorists and their journeys, was disclosed in documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union as part of a Freedom of Information Act request.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot, Semantics: Is it "in the cloud" or "on the cloud"? 1

Un Bsd writes: Language is technical. In common vernacular, we burn onto eprom. We ftp into, and, upload onto, servers. We put milk in glasses, and, put glasses on tables. So, thinking of data as a substance or thing we are interested in, and, the storage medium as a container or platform for holding the data, if the data was equivalent to the milk, what is cloud storage equivalent to? A glass or a table?
Why do people say they are putting data in the cloud? Is this a corruption of language or has there been some paradigm shift? I can't imagine that 'in' and 'on' the cloud would be used ambiguously without any technical differentiation.
Is it better to say that you are storing data in the cloud, or, to say that you are storing data on the cloud. Which form is more consistent with the way we use 'in' and 'on' respect to electronic data and devices?

Submission + - Illinois Is Not Actually Requiring Students To Hand Over Their Facebook Password (

oritoes writes: A story is circulating around the internet that a new Illinois anti-cyberbullying law has a provision requiring students to hand over their Facebook and other social media accounts to school officials on demand.

The ACLU and the state legislator who wrote the bill both say this is wrong.

Comment Re:My choice of anti-virus software (Score 1) 467

I put Avast on my Windows PC and it seems to work fine. Avast prompted me to put it on my android phone as well, which I did. Since I am using Republic Wireless which is kind of persnickety about roaming data, I was not thrilled to see Avast use one Mb of roaming data the first time I left the house. I can't spare the data if it is going to do this regularly. I deleted the app.

I'm pretty good at managing my roaming data, but I can't have Avast using roaming data any damn time it wants to. This is especially odd since I was solidly within a Sprint area, which should not have been roaming at all.

Comment Re:Only printing the bodies, of course. (Score 2) 128

The body is way more than a skin around everything else. The body IS the structure of the car. They don't have frames anymore. The body provides the stiffness for everything. Drive train components anchor to it. The body provides crash protection as the structure crumples to absorb energy.

I'm not saying it is impossible, but the body is a way more complicated structure than most folks think. A car body isn't just a style statement. Many of the shapes we see over and over in cars are there for rigidity and crash protection, not just for looks. Switching from steel to printed plastic panels means a shitload of engineering issues to solve. Steel is a pretty well understood material. Printed plastic panels are a totally new ballgame.

Comment Re:Nothing new here (Score 1) 101

Republic and Black Wireless to name a couple more. I switched from Verizon to Republic three months ago because I got tired of Verizon's bloatware phones and their high prices. Today I pay $25 per month and get service that is plenty good enough for me. My phone has a minimum of bloatware and works better than any Verizon phone I ever had.

Anything that offers alternatives to AT&T and Verizon with decent coverage is a good thing. Go get em Google.

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