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Journal Journal: recompiling perl 5.8.7 1

I compiled perl v5.8.7 under Cygwin. It was mostly painless.

I changed the script to use -Os instead of -O3. Booyah! Now I have a "small" perl and "small" libraries that load quicker and don't cause me to swap ram to disk.

Now I get to do this all over again tomorrow on my work computer. Yay.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hi, my name is Ryan, and I'm a ....

Tonight is the first night of summer quarter. I'm taking "Fundamentals of Speech". I hope the class is full of Southerners with thick accents so that I have a better chance of being ahead of the bell curve.

User Journal

Journal Journal: oh what a wonderful Sunday!

I have some tunes [1], I have a compiler [2], and a goal. I'm ready to enjoy a nice lazy Sunday of doing nothing :-)

Later a friend is supposed to call me when she gets off work. Then I'll drive over to her house so that we can walk around her neighborhood for 30 minutes or so. We may do dinner after that (assuming we both don't stink to high heavens).

So what are your Sunday plans?

[1] Pennywise has enthralled me today
[2] /usr/bin/perl.exe counts as a compiler

User Journal

Journal Journal: OH NOES! Its basic!

A snippet of the BASIC code I'm working on today. And no, I don't need line numbers.

            IF X$"" THEN LET CUST$=X$
            STMA 7,1
            GOTO 00540
00949 STOP
            PRINT @(3,5),@(-32),"USER ID: ",FIRST$
            PRINT @(4,5),@(-32),"USER PASSWORD: ",LAST$
00960 PRINT @(6,40);
00970 INPUT USING "",@(-10,20),CUST$

User Journal

Journal Journal: What a great Sunday! 1

Holidays at my house are always low key. My immediate family (brother, SIL, mom and dad) get together and we eat and talk. And thats about it. Oh, and my brother always likes to make sure he's the center of 90% of the conversations. Today I made the mistake of taking control of the conversation for a bit and he started being an ass, and just wouldn't let up even after I tried to point out that he might just want to let it go.. but he didn't. He told me that I make too many snide comments, and (stupidly) I refrained from ripping his head off and walking out of the resturant. Instead I kept my cool, looked at my dad to check his expression, and apologized for the supposed transgression. And then I didn't say more than 10 words to him the rest of the night. I figure I can't make snide comments if I'm not talking to him.

Other than that bit of drama, things are going well today. I hope all the fathers had a good day!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Atlanta Final Fantasy Concert?!

Atlanta Symphony hosts Final Fantasy music on the 24th and 25th.

An ex-coworker of mine flew out to LA to listen to Final Fantasy done by a symphony and said it was spectacular. So if you're into Final Fantasy (or even good symphony music) then I suggest you go see this.

User Journal

Journal Journal: WH40k Miniatures!

So today I log in to slashdot so I can read about two other folks from Georgia (USA) complain about the weather this weekend. I didn't realize I had that many other Georgians on my friends list.. anyhow, on to the miniatures talk.

I put together 8 Chaos Space Marines, and one Thousand Sons. The other 7 Thousand Sons are still in the box, because I hate gluing metal minis together. Putting the origional 8 together was simple (but not a snap, since the snap-together marines are Imperial only right now). I was hoping to use my spray on Citadel brand primer to coat them all in black, but it seems the weather here in lovely Lawrenceville, Georgia wasn't cooperating. Friday and Saturday I put them together, and Saturday night it was too wet out. All day Sunday it rained and drizzled. So I was never able to prime the minis, which means I can't easily paint them this week. The weather had better play nice this week or I'm going to have to move both cars out of the garage and spray paint in the garage and hope the moister in the air doesn't ruin the paint.

So.. anyone here play any Games Workshop games?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Today should be Friday 3

Today should be Friday -- Its my new campaign slogan. I want to be World Dictator 2006, so I'm going to start campaigning now.

On Friday I get to pick up my slacks from the seamstress. On Friday I get to play D&D. On Friday I get to prime my new pewter miniatures. On Friday I get to hang out with my really awesome friends.

Oh, I get paid on Fridays too, so I love Friday!

What is ya'lls favorite day?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Monster Bash!

I went to the Monster Bash yesterday. Its a small get-together in Atlanta that is held at the only drive-in theater we have. $13 to see quite a few bands, hang out with your friends, and then watch any of three different movies.. quite worth the money.

I got to meet Elvis (no, not the singer. The photographer) and I saw Photognome and his famous kilt. Many models that I'd heard stories about were there, and I met a few of them.

All in all a good time was had.

User Journal

Journal Journal: SQLite 2.x - 3.x upgrade 1

If anyone here is planning on upgrading from SQLite 2.x to 3.x, let me suggest reading the documentation rather well. Then go back and read it again.

Now, learn to love the ".dump" command.

I spent about 3 hours of my time this weekend upgrading Movable Type to version 3 of SQLite. If I'd have been intelligent it would have taken about 30 minutes.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Freeman 1.04 released 1

The new version of Freeman (1.04) is now available for download!

Last time Sveasoft apparently had unintentionally released an unprotected binary on which Freeman 1.02 was based. This time Sveasoft didn't make the same mistake, the MAC protection had to be hacked and removed.
Kudos to the people responsible for that!

Most 1.02 bugs should be fixed in this one, you'll find the changelog here.
It still doesn't support WRT54Gv1.x and there's still no Talisman source code available to subscribers.

Now enjoy the firmware and please share it on eDonkey or other P2P networks!

Current mirrors (thx to all supporters):


User Journal

Journal Journal: SCO Unix why does thou tempt me so?

Thank goodness for unix.old!

I was relinking a kernel because we removed one tape drive (an old Colorado floppy-cable tape drive) and were putting in a SCSI Seagate drive. So I removed the old tape drive settings and relinked the kernel and rebooted. The machine powers down and comes back up and an instant kernel panic happens.


So I had the on-site tech (remember, I do phone support) boot from unix.old, and we started over. This time I added "BOOTMNT=RW" to the /etc/default/boot file and magically the next kernel rebuild worked great. Thank goodness for 'man boot'.

Now I'm going to go cry, because the company I work for STILL supports SCO Unix 5.0

User Journal

Journal Journal: back from 'vacation'

I'm safely back in Atlanta. Wichita hasn't changed much in the last 10 years. No really.. it hasn't changed much at all. The duck pond is gone, but otherwise its the same place. Somehow my old house shrank while I was away. I'll
never understand the physics behind that one.

So, to paraphrase Blinder, Where the hell is my Friday afternoon at?! I demand Friday.

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