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Journal lithron's Journal: What a great Sunday! 1

Holidays at my house are always low key. My immediate family (brother, SIL, mom and dad) get together and we eat and talk. And thats about it. Oh, and my brother always likes to make sure he's the center of 90% of the conversations. Today I made the mistake of taking control of the conversation for a bit and he started being an ass, and just wouldn't let up even after I tried to point out that he might just want to let it go.. but he didn't. He told me that I make too many snide comments, and (stupidly) I refrained from ripping his head off and walking out of the resturant. Instead I kept my cool, looked at my dad to check his expression, and apologized for the supposed transgression. And then I didn't say more than 10 words to him the rest of the night. I figure I can't make snide comments if I'm not talking to him.

Other than that bit of drama, things are going well today. I hope all the fathers had a good day!

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What a great Sunday!

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  • ugh... sorry you had such a time with your brother. i can relate in some way to things like that.

    it is nice to see you took the high-road. a real sign of class and charm on your part. taking the high-road will always mean you come out any situation the winner. even if it doesn't feel like it.

    i've always tried to remember that, my entire life. sometimes its easier but then again... sometimes not.

Function reject.
