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Comment Re:Fire(wall) and forget (Score 1) 348

No that is Windows Server Security 101. Network security is different. If you had network security you don't need firewalls on every single server in your enterprise because that traffic is already caught and logged elsewhere. By the time they are at your server, and you haven't detected it, it is too late.

Comment Re:I've always thought that the best way for Israe (Score 1, Insightful) 379

They do that occasionally, and are universally condemned for it. Remember Israel is not allowed to defend itself. They have to just accept 100's or rockets a day lobbed at them and not react. If they do fire back, and go as far as to warn the targets, Hamas gathers their children and brings them to the target creating mini-martyr's and generating huge sympathy, especially from the west.

They have a standing offer: it Hamas stops the rockets, they stop theirs. Not difficult, unless your Hamas

Comment Wait a second (Score 4, Interesting) 143

I tired to find the original source. Don't see it. Instead all we have is "

A report by broadcaster CCTV criticized the iPhone's "Frequent Locations" function for allowing users to be tracked and information about them revealed.

"This is extremely sensitive data," said a researcher interviewed by the broadcaster. If the data were accessed, it could reveal an entire country's economic situation and "even state secrets," the researcher said."

This is far, far from a government decree. The American equivalent would be an interview on PBS. Other than approving it to air, this has nothing to do with the government. I suspect most Chinese will see right through this, it may even help Apple sales.

Comment Re:yes but (Score 2) 302

The Hobby Lobby case was about a corporation demanding religious freedom to reject paying for the medical care of their employees based on the religious view of the company owners.

It's a terrible decision, as it means that somehow not only are corporations 'persons', but they have the religious freedom to impose their will on their employees.

The Hobby Lobby case is/was about individual owners of a company not losing their rights just because they formed a corporation for tax or liability purposes. It treats these individuals just like they were still a sole proprietorship or partnership. Simply put, the decision says that if you form a business, you do not give up any rights regardless of the form of that business.

I have never heard of this case, but you've just described exactly the opposite of 300+ years of corporations. You DO trade in rights as an individual when you form a corporation and you gain tons of rights too - such as protection from personal asset seizure. The whole point of a corporation is that the corporation is separate and distinct from your personal assets and it is NOT a partnership or sole proprietorship that can have assets seized..

The Hobby Lobby case did not bestow religious freedoms on corporations. It did, however, keep the owners of those corporations, if fewer than five individuals from losing their religious freedoms.

Those are the same thing, so it does appears to have bestowed religious freedom on corporations if their owners want it. Again, if you want to own a corporation you ave to give something up in return. Size of the corporation is not relevant.

Is this in appeal somewhere? Because a single judge just fundamentally changed the way the western world functions.

Comment Re: Actually makes good sense (Score 1) 702

No it wouldn't. Most mid range laptops use standard 18650 Li-ion cells in a row. You could easily rewire a 6 cell battery to be 3 for the laptop, 3 for something else and it would be pretty much impossible to tell without a tear down. It would still charge and run normally, but for half the time. Unless the TSA agent was an electronics whiz with access to the Dell's schematics they won't be able to see anything wrong.

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