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Comment Re:I would be very interested... (Score 1) 200

This post, unlike the ones just simply in denial of the whole AD(H)D existing at all, is hardly something I would disagree with :) You make very good points and present them clearly and politely (more so than I'm capable at times).

Also, I am concerned of misdiagnosis and over subscribing of stimulants (especially for children) that is rampant in some countries (USA being one such place as far as I've come to understand). It's not only damaging to those who are being misdiagnosed but in the long run it may well damage AD(H)D people who find themselves not being able to get treatment easily...

...which is often the case where I live. It's not easy to get an AH(H)D diagnosis and stimulant treatment here in Finland. While we have, generally speaking, a quite good public healthcare system here, I know from my own experience and from what I've heard of other adult AD(H)D people and parents of AD(H)D children, it can sometimes be a real fight to even get you in waiting line to be tested for AD(H)D. I fought from 2003 to 2006 to get there and got diagnosed in 2007 (at age of 27). Still I do think it's better this way than if it were "too easy" to get diagnosis (I'm referring to misdiagnosis problem) - but there's always room for improvement :)

Comment Re:Just stop already (Score 1) 68

You're suggesting VIRTUAL MACHINES as solution for his problems!? Talk about using dynamite to catch a couple of fishes... And the person you're replying to, he needs to learn reading - TFA is about Chrome OS, not Chrome The Browser running in Windows or whatever other OS. Both of you are stupid.

Comment Re:100 percent bullshit (Score 1) 200

There is no "massive change" in percentage of people with ADD/ADHD though, it just was previously not understood. I can sympathesize with you though as you come from diseased culture where over- and mis- diagnosing AD(H)D is the norm (wtf is that shit about "pat close attention..." about? That has nothing to do with methods of diagnosing ADD or ADHD in civilized societies) and adults that are lazy fsck's who do happily accept drugs as substitute for parenting to escape their responsibilities. Sad as it is, your diseased culture (and I make no claims that I live in perfect one) doesn't mean ADD and ADHD are fake diseased - they are very well known and studied. It used to be that people with (real) AD(H)D were diagnosed with MBD, a very general and broad diagnose which covered many back then not understood medical conditions - yet the percentage of people diagnosed with MBD was way way way lower than the percent diagnosed with ADD/ADHD *IN USA* today. The rest of the world is different though.

Also, AD(H)D is not just "kid thing" - I was diagnosed with ADHD at age of 26 (and year 2006).

Comment Re:I would be very interested... (Score 2) 200

It's a fundamentally different way for the brain/body to function then the norm.

And "anti-ADHD" people, having ignored actual information and studies about it, lack the knowledge that it's actually physically proven to be caused by irregular functioning of the brains dopamine system. Pardon my france in case the above seems linguistically wrong - personally I blame my ADHD ;)

Comment Re: inb4 (Score 1) 200

Actually, no. I presume you are talking about MBD (minimal brain dysfunction)? It's a broad generalized diagnosis that was often the diagnosis for ADD and ADHD people before medical science progressed to know of, understand and diagnose ADD and ADHD. It covered (and still covers?) many other medical conditions that were not fully understood back then.

Comment Re:inb4 (Score 4, Insightful) 200

Ignorance is a bliss. ADD and ADHD can actually be physically shown as disorder of the brains dopamine system - but you wouldn't know that since you haven't actually studied any real information about ADD/ADHD as it's easier to hold on to your pre-determined opinions when you have no facts to confuse you.

Also, that ADD/ADHD is a "children issue" only is something that makes me angry. I was diagnosed with ADHD at age of 26. Since I've started with medication my life, in certain areas has become much easier - some would say much more "normal", but I like to avoid that term. I was finally able to get through education on IT field - something people like you claimed I had problems only because of lack of motivation. They say that lack of motivation was the reason I couldn't pass a 3-year education even though I tried for 5-years, and they happily miss seeing anything illogical in their statement.

I do sometimes wonder how different my life had been if ADD/ADHD had been known when I was a kid. For sure I would have avoided many problems with school as well as with other problems I made my family go through... Child services tried to find ways to help me and my family, but they didn't know about ADHD back then, so the reasons behind my misbehaviours remained mystery.

May I presume you are a US citizen? I apologize if I'm wrong... However if I'm right then I have less problems understanding how, no matter how ignorant and irrational, you have come to your conclusions. It is true that medical industry is milking this thing - and USA is the leader in over-diagnosing of ADD/ADHD. Still, just like with chronic depression, the fact that some doctors are over diagnosing a medical condition and the fact that pharmaceutical companies are always more than willing to milk such errors to the maximum does not mean that said medical condition is false. Also it's logical fallacy to say that because a condition had not been known before a time, it didn't thus exists before said time.

Comment Re:Whatever games they chose?? (Score 2) 419

If I said to my son "you can play any games you want", I certainly would not mean (and he certainly wouldn't think I meant) that I will buy him any games he wants. He would still have to buy, pirate (or download, if it's free), or otherwise acquire the games by himself - or talk me into buying the game for him (it's not like I won't ever give him anything for free. but that promise isn't promise to give any game(s) to the kid for free).

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