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Comment If only. . . (Score 1) 78

If only there were some economic means for competition to handle these right to work issues. Skilled workers could start their own companies and produce higher quality goods, and put foul monopolists out of work without having to resort to legislative "help". Such a system would have to be simple to be effective though, rivaling capitalism in its disdain for complexity.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Are printed books' days numbered? 4

In his 1951 short story The Fun They Had, Isaac Asimov has a boy who finds something really weird in the attic -- a printed book. In this future, all reading was done on screens.

Comment Re:Call Sega about that one (Score 1) 11

Actually, TV would use far less power than YouTube. With streaming, you're transmitting as well as receiving, and transmitting is what eats your battery (besides the screen, which each would use equally). It takes very little power to receive, a lot to transmit.

I doubt anyone would buy one just to watch TV, it would just make the tablet more useful.

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