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Comment Re: Why do I get the funny feeling that (Score 1) 265

It is the new slashdot. An AC makes a pretty good but old joke and stays at 0 moderation. Someone else ruins it by explaining the joke and gets +5 informative.

I did not ruin the joke. I merely provided a missing punchline. And I did not ask for or expect two informative mod-points for it. The other half of my up-mod points were funny -- points the AC would have received in the first place if he had added the punchline.

Next up, something about Natalie Portman and breakfast food gets moderated -1 for being a sign of the patriarchy systemic in STEM.

That doesn't sound like your complaint about ruining a joke by explaining it, but post is the one that got modded down eventually. Whatever. I'm here for the banter with my fellow nerds, not mod-wars. I'd say I'm the old slashdot.

Comment Re:Research institute? Come on... (Score 1) 53

EPFL stands for Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Lausanne Federal Polytechnic School). It is not a "research institute" but one of the two (with ETH Zürich) swiss federal engineering schools, and very renowned at that. Lots of good research labs there, too, just like at MIT or Caltech, but that doesn't make them "research institutes" neither.

Its mission may not be pure research, but it implicitly self-identifies as a research institute (among other things) on its website:

With more than 300 laboratories and research groups on campus, EPFL is one of the Europe's most innovative and productive technology institutes. At EPFL the emphasis is on both theoretical and applied research.

Comment Re:Would not the oil start dissolving the parts? (Score 1) 67

feel sorry for the guys that need to wade through 100m of oil to change a part.

From the pictures in TFA, it appears the oil and the servers are contained in tanks that are about the size and shape of a small dumpster. Swapping out a server would entail removing it vertically via its handles. So, it would seem the ickiness is kept to a minimum. Certainly no wading through 100 m of oil.

Comment Re:If you're using GPL code, you have no choice (Score 1) 171

Well, speaking of strawmen...

Yes, there are people not following the terms of the license. Just like there are people not following the terms of other licenses.

But conflating those people with the people who are following the terms of the license -- people who say "Sorry, I can't use GCC, so I have to go play in the LLVM sandbox over here, and btw, if you want me to be able to contribute to projects in the future, the GPL is a non-starter" -- thinking or representing that those saying they cannot use your code are the same people as those illegally using your code -- that is just wrong.

First of all, gstoddart didn't conflate people who "whine" about the restrictions of the GPL (whether they violate the license or not) with those who respect it and avoid GPL code on principle and in good faith. He only spoke of the former, who indeed want to "steal" GPL code whether or not they actually do.

Second, compiling your code with GCC does not infect your source-code, or the compiled binary, with the GPL. Unless you static-link to a GPL library, but that's avoided easily by linking dynamically.

Comment Re:Google It (Score 4, Interesting) 189

Damn, that's a nice program. Kudos to Brother.

I wish I could find something on their website that states what they actually do with the returned toner cartridges. All I could find is this:

We will evaluate the opportunities to recycle, reuse, reduce, refuse and reform resources throughout the life cycle of our products.

My emphasis. This is not a commitment to recycle. It's feel-good corporate-speak.

Do they actually dismantle and recycle them? Do they refurbish them, or sell them to a refurbisher? Or do they just dispose of them so that they stay out of the after-market?

I'm sorry to be cynical. Brother may very well be acting as a good corporate citizen. But when I don't see explicit mention of their actions, I start to wonder what they are.

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