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Comment Re:linux desktop (Score 5, Interesting) 141

Look, if you nerds really want Linux Desktop to be a winner then it needs consistency and apps. There is no Linux Desktop that is consistent and 'just works', Linux Desktop a hodge-podge of crap.

There is no "Linux Desktop" -- not in the sense you mean. Various Linux distributions have created desktops with various styles and features. And they are more consistent than you think. Many apps have installation packages that allow them to be installed and work fine in multiple desktops. No doubt you have adjusted to differences in various Windows or MacOS updates. Adjusting to different desktops in Linux distributions is not onerous.

There needs to be native consumer apps like Outlook that don't need a special container or special interpreter to run, no skills required just run a native app, and yes there might be a cost for decent apps and they might be closed source too.

There are many such apps. See here for Outlook replacements. Most of them are free; some offer premium versions for a fee.

Until Linux Desktop is consistent, easy, and has native apps it will never really go anywhere. Keep hoping nerds, the proof is in the pudding.

I would argue many Linux distributions fulfill all three of your requirements. And Linux definitely has gone somewhere over the decades, despite naysayers like you. It runs on more hardware architectures than you know, small to large. You're probably using it right now (via servers on the internet) without even being aware of it.

Comment Re: Prison where she identifies as honest? (Score 0) 107

Have you looked at the results of putting transgender women in women's prisons? It's not a joke, it's a crime. They may have been particularly victimized in men's prison, but they've been particularly frequent *perpetrators* of rape in both men and women's prisons.

WTF does this have to do with Elizabeth Holmes? You realize she's not trans, right?

This. And while we're on the subject, GP please provide citations of the events you ascribe to trans inmates, and then we can discuss. If you don't have any, then STFU.

Comment Re:even worse - no PS/2 ports (Score 1) 44

I don't give two sheets about Thunderbolt 3 but the most important port, the PS/2 port, to use God's Keyboard aka the Model M, is very hard to find on AM5 motherboards.

Well, two things:

1. If you haven't bought a Model M yet, there is a USB option.
2. If you already bought a Model M with PS/2, you can get a USB adapter for very cheap.

Problem solved?

Comment Re:Florida leads the way (Score 1) 228

Read the articles. It's the Florida Department of Education that claims the textbooks contain these topics, but they didn't say where, or even which textbooks they banned.

The Herald-Tribune article quotes tweets from Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, D-Orlando:

They haven’t shown us what’s inside the books that they claim is critical race theory indoctrination, and there’s a reason they won’t show us, because it’s not there [...] It’s all right-wing fantasy, and it’s the latest example of how the right-wing Moms for Liberty ideology is now in charge of setting public education policy in Florida.

Comment Re:Florida leads the way (Score 1) 228

Keep inventing lies about DeSantis. He went from +.06 in 2018 to +20 in 2022, all on the back of the media and tards like you making shit up about what he is and isn't doing. Yet for all that, we're going to see how well his approach to education pays off in the coming years, particularly when compared to liberal paradises such as CA and NY.

Your so-called "liberal paradises" appear to be doing quite well, education-wise. I agree "we're going to see how well" DeSantis' approach works out. I predict not as well as you seem to think.

And I'm not sure what DeSantis' popularity has to do with the soundness of his [education] policies.

Comment Re:Florida leads the way (Score 1) 228

And as much as I think that the term "woke" has come to mean "anything Republicans don't like," I'm pretty sure that term has never been applied to math, science, or English.

Well, in 2022 DeSantis and his Republican colleagues banned 41% of proposed math textbooks because they contained “prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including [Critical Race Theory]” according to the Florida Department of Education. You can read about it here:


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