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Comment Not likely, either (Score 1) 184

It's not likely that those 121.5 MHz ELTs will be replaced any time soon, either. The 406 MHz ones cost way more, and are very expensive to install. I expect that the only replacements will happen because people need to fly to another country that requires them, or because their old ELT crapped out and they can't get replacement parts any more.

Comment Re:I know what you mean (Score 1) 5

More importantly about the rise of blogs and web-boards taking over from Usenet, is that Usenet allowed one to choose your own user interface and use it for everything, rather than having to learn a new posting system and comment system for each one. Plus it was "push" rather than "pull".

I keep hoping that with so many people abandoning Usenet that it will eventually get back to something like it was in the late 80s.


Submission + - Computer simulation of cancer growth

Roland Piquepaille writes: "For a long time now, researchers and scientists have used computer simulations in physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry or engineering. But what about biology? An international team of U.S. and Scottish mathematicians and biologists has decided to use a math model to predict tumor behavior. As say the researchers, their approach is similar to the one used by weather forecasters. So far, and even if it was successful, this approach is entirely theoretical. But the scientists see their effort as the beginning of a new era in cancer research. And it might be the beginning of customized cancer treatments. Read more for additional references and illustrations about this use of computer simulation to predict a cancer evolution."
User Journal

Journal Journal: My other journal

In my other journal, I've been writing about getting my aviation medical back, the death of my very good friend, and my daughter's struggles with anorexia.

User Journal

Journal Journal: What's new in my other journal? 1

My other blog has recent posts about:

  • RSS news
  • My ex-wife's continuing exposing of my daughter to her abusive boyfriend
  • My friend Maddy's cancer
  • A list of things that I feel uneasy about as a nominal liberal. (If I was still living in Toronto, I'd guess you'd call me a Rosedale liberal like Bob Rae).

And a bunch of other stuff.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Experiment continues

When I started journalling, it was an experiment to see if I liked it or not. I do, so now I've installed Movable Type on my home machine and I'm going to start blogging there instead.

User Journal

Journal Journal: That cowboy attitude 1

I belong to a couple of mailing lists for pilots. One of my favourites unfortunately gets extremely political at times. A lot of pilots are extremely right wing, as you'd expect in a hobby as expensive as flying. You might have gathered that I'm *not* extremely right wing. This has lead to a bunch of blow-ups, to the point where I actually quit the list for several months. But I came back, resolving to avoid political discussions. I also took the precaution of using procmail to filter o

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fisabel

Ok, hurricane Isabel has come and gone, and we got nothing more than a bit of rain. Last night we went to bed wondering if we should move the birds away from the picture window and/or tape up the windows. This morning I woke up wondering where it went. It obviously hadn't rained or even blown hard. The aviation forecast predicted surface winds hitting a maximum of 17 knots gusting to 24. Heck, I've landed in a 45 degree cross wind in worse winds than that.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Work? How dare they!

Ok, they've just opened up the repository to start work on versions 3.1 and 3.2 of our product. I've had bugger all to do for the last couple of weeks, which is one reason why I started this journal. But now I've got a bunch of things to do. How grossly unfair that they actually will want to me to work on them during my work hours.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Skiing versus flying

Yesterday a friend asked me if I get the same feelings from flying that I did from cross country skiing, orienteering, mountain biking and other activities that I had to give up because of my pain problems. There isn't an easy answer to that question. Or there is an easy answer, but that answer is "yes and no", so it isn't too helpful.

User Journal

Journal Journal: CSM Memories 1

I was going to write this as a comment in Sloppy's journal, and then thought what the hell, it's too much of a digression. Sloppy was writing about how he just didn't "get" non-representational photographic art (like some of Ansel Adams abstract landscapes), and I wrote a comment about how they evoke the feel or trigger a memory.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The plus side of upgrades 1

A few days ago I wrote about how I didn't want this computer upgrade, but I took it because it was supposed to come with a monitor upgrade, and then the monitor upgrade didn't happen.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Well, that felt better 2

My wife and I spent a weekend at a bed and breakfast. It was great to spend some time away from computers and TiVo and kids. We laughed together like we hardly ever get a chance to do these days. I think we've got to do more of that.

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