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Comment Re:Call me paranoid... (Score 1) 305

and wala

And voila.

Yes, it's still bad to try to write a word you've only heard before. If you guess wrong, you tend to look amazingly stupid....

Second time in two weeks I've seen this particular error - what's with guessing the spelling of "voila" recently? Was it used in a movie?

its a war against ignorance, i've seen pudding(putting), weather(whether), waste(waist), romin(ramen wtf is a romin???) used quite commonly by supposebly(supposedly) very educated people...I work in a pharmacy, I won't even go into the misspellings your doctors and nurses try to pass off as instructions even outside of sigs.

Submission + - Source Code for Android iBanking Bot Appears On Underground Forum (

itwbennett writes: The source code for the iBanking Android mobile banking Trojan app that initially appeared on the underground market late last year was released on an underground forum, say RSA researchers. The leak involved the source code for the malware's Web-based control panel and a script that can customize the iBanking APK (Android application package) with different configurations.

Comment Re:Manipulative headline (Score 1) 102

The title implies that we should abandon gas as an alternative to diesel/petrol.

This is done by falsely implying that pollution due to methane leaks are an inherit part of the drilling process.

Instead, what we should really do is improve the drilling techniques to avoid/minimize leakage.

except that is nearly impossible, since we are actively making the area more porous with fracking in the first place. Even if we could perfect sealing the well casings(5%+ fail immediately) we'd have to account for each sites geology the costs to seal the possible impact of an entire site would be completely cost prohibitive. I think people might start asking harder question once drilling companies started laying down gas impermeable membranes across the countryside, instead of just polluting it.

Comment Re:Tin foil hats! (Score 1) 731

How do you order cash over the phone? I know you can transfer cash like transactions, but someone has to physically show up at the other end...there's paypal et. al but they would have complete control until it leaves their system and they require a few layers of verification before it gets any where near cash.

But you could skim a bunch of mag stripes or trash a database of card info and clone a bunch of burner cards then mob a city of ATMs with Chip/Pin this is not feasible...

So how is it being circumvented?

Comment Re:merchants will be liable for fraudulent purchas (Score 1) 731

What does a chargeback have to do with mass credit card fraud? Chip/PIN would actually prevent this sort of behavior...chargebacks have almost nothing to do with liability, just some people are assholes and will try and get away with anything they can. If you are sober enough to enter a 4-6 digit code, end of story.

Comment Re:Less Liability (Score 1) 731

ok outside of committing grand larceny and assault in public,...shit happens...was the bank justified? yes, thats what the police are for. You can't keylog PINs!!! you need the CHIP to complete the transaction along with a terminal/atm that verifies the process.

The other big change that come with C/P is the liability of fraud...before the processors/banks took the hit on 95% of systemic fraud but after C/P the retailer accepts liability. Sure with big breaches like Target they took the hit because of proof it was their system that was the point of fault. After 2015 its all on the retailer to make sure your system is secure; big or small you eat the losses, which can add up.

Comment Re:Sorry, it's horribly insecure, (Score 1) 731

How does someone that observes the pin get the card needed to complete the transaction? You'd have to pickpocket/mug every person you observed as you can't simply skim the chip info like with mag stripe , that'd be a red flag . Every transaction is complex and unique, and nearly impossible to duplicate unless you have compromised the payment terminal itself. You would not be able to fool the system long enough to complete any significant amount of fraud compared to the amount of effort and money it would take to compromise a handful of accounts.

As to the system itself, its upgradeable, if they compromise the chips they can easily be changed using the same terminals but using completely different crypto.

Submission + - Slashdot beta sucks 9

An anonymous reader writes: Maybe some of the slashdot team should start listening to its users, most of which hate the new user interface. Thanks for ruining something that wasn't broken.

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