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Comment Houston has a problem. (Score 1) 195

And the problem is that they've gotten snubbed due to politics. Being reminded that the USS Intrepid (on display in NYC) was involved in the early days of the space program, I can understand one going to NYC. But the closest thing LA has to being involved is the fact that it is near Vandenburg AFB, where the shuttle almost launched from. Any claim about "locations being chosen for their value to the american public" is a load of bull. The entire middle of the country is nowhere near any of the shuttles with these chosen locations.

Comment Dear technology industry... (Score 1) 224

F**k the cloud. Until there is constant high-speed internet access available across the globe, I reserve my right to retain my information locally, with the option to backup my saves to this so called "cloud." Be it saves, financial data, email, or documents whatever. Call it paranoia, but I'd rather be the one responsible for maintaining the integrity of my data.

Sharks Seen Swimming Down Australian Streets Screenshot-sm 210

As if the flood waters weren't bad enough for the people of Queensland, it now appears that there are sharks swimming in the streets. Two bull sharks were spotted swimming past a McDonald’s in the city of Goodna, Butcher Steve Bateman saw another making its way past his shop on Williams street. Ipswich councillor for the Goodna region Paul Tully said: "It would have swam several kilometres in from the river, across Evan Marginson Park and the motorway. It’s definitely a first for Goodna, to have a shark in the main street."

Comment Combination (Score 1) 459

Combination of Price and Need fulfilled by other device(s). For now, my iPod (when combined with MobileNoter), Netbook, and that archaic thing called "Paper" are meeting my needs just fine. I'll get a tablet when the price comes down and they have a good one that has a hardware keyboard that slides out at a reasonable price.

Intel's Sandy Bridge Processor Has a Kill Switch 399

An anonymous reader writes "Intel's new Sandy Bridge processors have a new feature that the chip giant is calling Anti-Theft 3.0. The processor can be disabled even if the computer has no Internet connection or isn't even turned on, over a 3G network. With Intel anti-theft technology built into Sandy Bridge, David Allen, director of distribution sales at Intel North America, said that users have the option to set up their processor so that if their computer is lost or stolen, it can be shut down remotely."

Comment Hearing... (Score 0) 305

Hearing it but not seeing it. I'll stick with my PSP and DS so that my phone's battery isn't drained when I actually need it. Come to think of it, my PSP and DS also have better active use battery life than a phone does. Until that issue is resolved, smartphone gaming will never overtake handheld console gaming. Also, smartphone gaming requires you to actually OWN a smartphone. I'll stick with my relatively simple phone that doesn't give my carrier a chance to "accidentally" charge me for data minutes I didn't use. All it needs to do is make/receive calls and text messages (and frankly I could do without those too).

Comment This is sick... (Score 1) 610

On both levels. You've got people using their sick days when they aren't sick while we've got near-record unemployment levels. I had a job from July 2009 to June 2010, never took a mental health day, worked overtime when requested, and got laid off in June thanks to NY state cutting funding for state-funded private agencies. These people have (presumably) good paying jobs and are willingly wasting their SICK DAYS to go do whatever while some of us have been trying to find a job that doesn't require us to relocate an absurd distance. Go to work you lazy bums. And people wonder why the rest of the world thinks that Americans have no work ethic... Granted, I'm not supporting employers stalking their employees outside of work. Thats just wrong.

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