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Comment Re:Facebook IS different (Score 1) 193

the integration with everything is the key. right now, if i want to share anything interesting/useful on the web with a friend, or a group of friends, fb is the best way to do that. whether i am on my phone, my tablet, or my laptop, i can share stuff easily and quickly, and i can be sure that my friends get the message as soon as they glance at their phone, laptop, anything connected to the web. g+ does this, but fuck g+ because its just a copy.
the only danger i see to this maybe from apps like whatsapp and viber, etc. they are better than facebook on the phone, and get the job done as efficiently, if not more. for pc, fb still remains king. fb could probably make a full-fledged phone messaging app that works as well as whatsapp, and doom whatsapp to oblivion. but i don't think anybody at fb realizes this.

Comment Re:Reinforcing the term (Score 3, Interesting) 464

"installed" means kept, nothing more. and a dash mounted tablet is legal as long as you keep it in car mode, and don't get caught watching youtube on it while driving. google glass is clearly a huge distraction while driving. if talking on a cellphone is illegal, then wearing google glass should also be illegal.

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