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Comment Re:They do (Score 1) 168

Sure now. But as we have seen countless times in the past, all it takes is changing the TOS and you are screwed. When times get harder for Google as it will, because it eventually happens to every tech company, see how long that policy lasts.
This is the same Google that tried to monetize everyones photos less than a week ago, and backed down (this time) because it pissed off so many people.
Google is great at promoting the rainbows and unicorn bullshit, I am just surprised so many still fall for it.

Comment That is what G+ is for... (Score 2, Insightful) 168

This is the ultimate objective of Google+, reducing the number of independant blogs and websites with G+ blogs and pages so keep margins high. With less independent bloggers and websites, ad revenue for these pages will shrink, and Google makes more money.
It is also why people like Mike Elgan and Robert Scoble shill the fuck out of everything Google does, because they know which way the wind is blowing. They are both full of shit, but they didn't get to where they are by not playing well with the big dogs. In return they get free shit from people, web hits and paid speaking gigs, and get to pretend like they are important.
I liked Google much more before they became scumbags like Facebook. Now you can't login to Gmail without it wanting you to create a Google plus account, want your phone number and other contact details. This behaviour along with sharing the email and contact lists to the NSA, getting caught lying about it, now trying to act like a good guy and lobby congress to protect privacy. If Google cared so much about users' privacy they would have lobbied before the Snowden leak.

Comment Re:A tablet isn't a PC. That's the point. (Score 1) 246

Knowledge of Pro was why everyone waited until it came out and skipped RT. And to further complicate things it uses a wildly different CPU architecture (ARMs or tegras) than Pro tablets that use Intel, so traditional windows apps will *not* work. One of many colossally stupid decisions made by Ballmer during his illustrious tenure as CEO.

Comment Re:+5 Insightful for (Score 2) 424

Kissinger only negotiated after realizing the US would ultimately lose the war. Kissinger was the person that convinced Nixon the war could be won instead of a peace deal and withdrawal of troops as Nixon had promised during his campaign. Oddly enough at the end of the war, the deal agreed upon was essentially the same deal offered to the US years earlier, only Nixon and Kissinger had the hubris and lack of empathy to sacrifice thousands of Americans and nearly half a million innocent Vietnamese lives.

So when it is all said and done, fucking Kissinger doesn't deserve a Nobel Peace prize either.

Comment Re:AltaVista (Score -1, Troll) 176

I heard Google also stole the pagerank technique from another search engine then wrote the paper to "look good" and have credibility. FFS Google has been caught lying so many times it baffles me why people still fall for their good guy, do no evil horseshit.

Comment Re:Sheryl who? (Score 1) 34

She wrote the idiotic self-contradictory book called Lean In which is the woman business advice book du jour. It is obvious she has connections to get herself trumpeted all over MSM for this farce on pulp. Simply assign this book (and her) the same importance any sane person does to anyone spewing the latest business advice targeted at a female audience. None - because ultimately it will be completely forgotten and irrelevant in six months time.

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