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Comment Re:And this is why I dont have a 500 abarth. (Score 1) 83

Aftermarket paint jobs, on the other hand, I have never seen a good looking aftermarket paintjob on a Honda.

That probably has to do with the owners of those cars. If you did see a good-looking aftermarket paintjob, would you even know? Would you be able to tell it wasn't a factory job?

I had an Integra years ago that got hit in the door, and so insurance paid for a new door skin and repainting (which covered the door and the surrounding portions). That paint looked great until I sold the car. But this wasn't an obvious paint job since it was a factory color.

Comment Re:Sounds impressive, but is it? (Score 2) 83

Did they direct the Engineers to design faulty suspension?

Management is *always* at fault, any time there's a problem. That's why they're called "management"; if they can't properly manage, they should get another job, like janitorial work. Engineers are employees, and just do what they're told, under threat of losing their job. So yes, management did direct the engineers to design a faulty suspension, one way or another, either by demanding that it be cheap, that it be done too quickly, that important analysis steps be skipped in the interest of time and cost, that safety testing not be done because of time and cost, etc.

The final quality of the product is up to management, whether it's suspension safety or wireless security. It's their job to make sure the engineering is done properly, and if they're not competent to judge that (and their employees aren't either), it's their job to hire consultants to help them with it.

Comment Is it like Romney's 2$ gasoline? (Score 5, Interesting) 574

Romney in 2012 made dramatic and what he thought would create shock value by promising 2$ a gallon gasoline. Obama actually saw 2$ gasoline for a brief period! Free market has a way of doing things no one predicted.

The current trend is 500 million new solar panels without any special action by any legislator/executive. Simple market forces and trend lines. Residential solar is becoming competitive with subsidies and net metering. Utility scale solar is on track to become competitive with natural gas in a few years. It is already competitive with coal for fresh installations. No new coal plant has come on line this year and last. The pipeline is dry too. Number of coal plants have fallen from 633 to 518 in the last decade. Coal has lost 20 GW of capacity in that time, and is on track to lose another 40 GW. Natural gas providing base load and solar meeting the peak load is going to become the norm in the next 10 years. No new breakthrough in energy storage, no battery wall made by Elon Musk, no widespread investment by home owners needed. Simple existing technologies, free market forces, interest rates and world flush with 2 trillion in capital not knowing where to invest for good returns.

So half billion new solar panels might happen no matter who wins, Hilary or Jeb! or Walker or Trump or Bernie. We might even look back and see Hilary's half a billion solar panels the same way we look at Romney's 2$ gasoline.

Comment Re:Export of contacts is their prodict (Score 2) 42

... But isn't that the whole point of LinkedIn? To give recruiters your contact info so they can spam you?

/quote> The point of LinkedIn is to give them your contact info so that Linked can spam all your friends, family, acquaintances, their dogs and cats. If random third party affiliates, channel partners and other assorted anonymous entities that are always pitching "new and exciting" (exciting to them) products muscle in on to their game, Linked in would be upset. No?

Comment Re:Unenforceable (Score 5, Informative) 204

It's only enforceable because it isn't email.

All this stupid thing is, is a system where the recipient gets a link to click on, which lets them go view the "email" (message) on some server somewhere, subject to a bunch of restrictions. I think there's also a browser plugin that basically does the same thing, but making it appear more like you're reading an email instead of just being redirected to some server.

This isn't email in the traditional SMTP sense.

Of course, it still is impossible for them to prevent you copying it somehow, even if you have to resort to screen capture.

Comment Coming up with a joke is hard (Score 4, Interesting) 141

Creating a joke is truly a very creative innovative activity and jokes deserve full measure of copyright protection. Anecdotes are not data, but still: I have so far created less than 20 jokes in total in my life (if you don't count joining the threads like "Nate Silver is so geeky, when his code throws an exception, he catches it before the debugger").

Having said that, most people would like their jokes to be told again, if possible with attribution. So unless the creator has gone through the process of copyrighting the joke and enforcing it, it seems to be an overkill to enforce it suo motu.

Comment It would start like this... (Score 0) 132

We all know how this will end. It starts with noble intentions, and fancy presentations with large numbers like "500 million first world citizens" blah blah blah.

Then Germany and UK will claim Greece and Spain are free loading on the great programming created by their virtuous tax payers and demand that they too pay the wireless receiver license fees. Greek population will be limited to half an hour of TV per day and people will line up with their thumb drives in front of TV stations to download their daily quota of programs. Old pensioners without the stamina to stand at all those lines will break down and bawl like babies in front of the world TV cameras. CEOs of apparel hawking companies in USA will ship emergency supplies of programs....

Wonder why they insist on creating a fiscal/mercantile union without creating a political union. They envy the USA with its large market, but they don't seem to take the lessons of urban population putting up with the antics of Ted Cruz or the rural folks putting up with SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriages.

Yeah, we have a large unbroken market. And we paid for it in blood at places like Chancellorsville, the sunken road, the stone bridge, the corn field, multiple times at Manassas, Shiloh, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg...

Comment Re:The article should use "ridiculous" 0 times. (Score 1) 292

The only ignorance here is from you quoting that vile nut job Rand, still your usual delusional crap so meh.

Nice ad hominem. Last resort and all that, eh? Too bad you seem incapable of countering the concepts presented in any meaningful way.

The analytical & intellectual content of your post speaks for itself. I need not reply further.

Good day, sir!


Comment Re: They're not going to arrest him! (Score 1) 312

So tell me, why do you want to KILL CHILDREN?? Do you hate them so much?


Over the top, much?

You need a lot less caffeine or some psychiatric help. Maybe both.

If there had been responsible people with guns at these mass shootings a lot of lives could have been saved.

There's one common thread in these murders. The overwhelming majority occurred in a "gun free zone" but hoplophobes refuse to acknowledge or address the fact that cowardly murderers prefer defenseless victims.

Which is what anti-gun zealots create through their fear, shortsightedness, and political/ideological agendas: Helpless victims for murdering cowards.

It's people that ignore reality and push to disarm law abiding citizens and prevent them from protecting themselves, their families, and others that create helpless victims. They share a large burden of guilt for these atrocities.

Good day, sir!

Comment Re:The article should use "ridiculous" 0 times. (Score 1) 292

How can they enforce the law properly when they do not know it themselves?

Because enforcing the law properly is not a priority. This is proven almost daily as it is extremely rare for law enforcement officers to face any negative repercussions for failing to do so.

You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.

When the process = the punishment the law is. in effect, whatever a law enforcement officer decides it is on any given occasion and need not be consistent or comport with the letter of the law in any way.

Welcome to the police/surveillance state formerly known as the United States. See my sig.


Comment Re:The article should use "ridiculous" 0 times. (Score 5, Informative) 292

Please keep in mind that I find it insane that the government can hide the law from its citizens; to have a free society the law has to be equal for everyone, and this more than anything else puts a divide between the haves and the have-nots.

I'll just leave this here.

"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."

- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Comment Re:Yawn ... Why mobile? (Score 3, Informative) 44

This isn't the same KDE that runs on your desktop, this is a different version made for mobile platforms. Some of the underlying code (the "framework") is the same, but the UI is different. KDE is the only group out there, it seems, that thinks we should have different interfaces on different devices.

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