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Comment Re:No, thank you. (Score 1) 865

there are about two times a year where I want to start my car, leave it running, lock it and run into a building for a couple of minutes. I can take my RF key out of the car, but with the car running it won't let me lock the door.

I would only consider doing this someplace in the dead of winter, like when leaving some small hotel in the middle of nowhere. Start car, carry down bags/check out, drive off.

My Nisan will let me start then lock it up and go back inside with the key.

Now I did find one downside.. Once it's started there is nothing stopping you from putting it in drive and taking off.. Someone could easily bust the window, hop in and drive off if I left it running. Yes I tested this . Well not breaking the windows but driving off without the key.

Comment Re:No, thank you. (Score 4, Informative) 865

Clearly you have never owned a "keyless" vehicle.

I say "keyless" because my Nissan has a physical key hidden inside the key less remote fob to open the door if the car battery is dead.

If the fob battery is low the car will warn you. It's hard to ignore.

If you are a dumb ass and keep ignoring the low battery warnings there is a slot under the dash for the fob to work when the fob battery is too low to transmit.

For what it's worth nearly every car made today has some kind of chipped smart key that costs $50-$100 to replace plus a remote that will cost you $100 or more if you wash it. Key less or not dropping your keys in a puddle will cost you.

Funny thing about keyless.. I never drop my keys trying to get into the car or start it.. They never leave my pocket.
I can't even lock the doors if the key is inside.. the car won't let it happen.

Comment Re:VERIZON! or maybe SONY!!! (Score 1) 328

Are you using a Sony Blu-Ray player or otehr sony device to access Netflix?

If so that may be another possible issue.. Sony.. for whatever dumb reason programs their Blu-Ray devices to only access Netflix through Sony servers.
For us it became a huge bottle neck and the Sony streaming went to crap when every tablet and PC in the house streams flawlessly.

I guess this isn't an issue with the PS-3 or PS-4 but exists on other Sony streaming devices.

Insert a Roku and I'm getting HD quality again.

Comment Re:But Does it Scale? (Score 1) 357

One big thing you overlooked in your example.. most of those cars will be charged at home and used for local trips They wont be clogging up the charging stations..

  The only ones hitting the super charger stations are the idiots who forgot to charge and the rest of the folks on round trips over half their expected range.

Comment Re:A large segment of the market is not using the (Score 1) 419

Our kids almost never come to the living room (really it's sometimes an issue that they won't leave their rooms)
They all have a PC or laptop and a profile on our netflix account. The teen mostly uses his X box and we have an Ipad that sees heavy use by our youngest when he's not fully engaged in Minecraft.

Comment Re:does everyone REALLY have IP-connected TV? (Score 1) 419

have people really moved on that quickly that everyone today has an IP-connected TV in their living room with which to watch films?

A Roku 3 is only $99. It's not like I have a huge investment going on here.

I saved more than that after the first 2 months without a Dish or cable TV bill even after bumping up to a 30mb plan with my ISP.
We regularly have 4-5 devices streaming at any one time (kids and all) with no performance issues.

I''m not just watching films.. most of your syndicated TV shows are on Netflix and if you absolutely need to see the latest Walking Dead it's $2 an episode on Amazon video.

Comment Re:Isn't the loss of arms manufacturing a good thi (Score 1) 341

Lockheed does many more things that just build weapons.

They also build communication satellites, provide IT services for both military and civilian government and Healthcare
Well you could look for your self I guess.

Those 3,000 could be any employee assigned to a non essential position on an of dozens of federal contracts. not related to weapons.

Comment Re:The benefit is in custom parts (Score 1) 322

I have to agree here.. I plan to get a 3d printer but it's primary function will be to produce plugs for composite molding projects and possible hollow/honeycomb shells to use as fillers in hard to reach sections of a composite layup where vacuum bagging or inflation bladders would not be practical.

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