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Comment Re:Baloney (Score 4, Interesting) 467

But even for those few of us who claim to be complete skeptics, belief quietly sneaks in.

Nope. Not a bit of it. In my experience, only believers believe that everyone else must secretly be a believer. The rest of us live a fact-based life.

I think you are thinking of a complete belief in magical thinking, whereas this is talking about the "magical" type of thought that "this car does not like you to use full throttle until its warmed up", or feeling anger at a beer bottle with a top thet "doesn't want to come off". If you stop and reflect of course you know its nonsense, but I bet you sometimes have those thoughts anyway.

I've found that that kind of anthropomorphization is useful as placeholders for other, complex causations. Perhaps the car has a mechanical or design flaw that makes full throttle when it's cold problematic. Perhaps the beer bottle has a manufacturer defect making it extra-hard to open. In either case, anthropomorphizing it can be a useful placeholder for the exact cause of your difficulties.

Comment Re:License scan? (Score 0) 503

In Russia, fake votes cast you!

Also, while item return scams are problematic, I feel that this measure is far too draconian as a solution; they can't help but alienate customers with it.

On the other hand, if nobody buys there, item return scams won't be an issue for them! Problem solved.

Comment Re:Lots of misinformation (Score 1) 267

If I go to a restaurant, there is zero chance that my entire city block will come down with food poisoning. If I fly an airplane, there is zero chance that it will crash into every building in town. Likewise, there is zero chance that if I take a bath, my entire town gets flooded with an inch of water.

On the other hand, when oil drilling goes wrong, the company responsible pays the minimum to get the public off its back, and lets the people nearby deal with the consequences of its screw up. The less John Q. Public knows about what can go wrong with the fracking operation in his back yard, the less liable the oil companies are, and the better able they are to hide it when something does go wrong.

People aren't against nuclear energy because it's cheap, and safe; they're against it because when something does go wrong, the community pays a steep tab. And the same is true of fracking, with the added bonus that rather than be open about the risks, oil companies hide as much as they can. They have a history of cutting corners and letting the tragedy of the commons take care of the consequences. Obviously not all oil companies cut corners to the same degree, but since oil is fungible, there is no incentive to NOT cut corners if someone else pays the price when things blow up.

Submission + - It's not fracking theory, it's fracking practice (

chadenright writes: "MSNBC reports on a study that, in theory, fracking should have no harmful environmental contamination; however, in practice, above-ground spills pose greater groundwater contamination threat than the actual fracking operations. It also notes that press has been generally negative. Why can't we give the people who are putting toxic chemicals in our drinking water a break?"

Submission + - Fracking: Not the algorithm, it's the implementation (

chadenright writes: "'A university study asserts that the problems caused by the gas extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," arise because drilling operations aren't doing it right. The process itself isn't to blame, according to the study, released today by the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin.'"

Comment Re:Awesome, but.. (Score 1) 232

What's to stop me from making ten copies of my mind? or fifty? or a thousand? I don't think the consequences of that kind of 'upload' have been sufficiently explored. And I'm with the other guy, I have no intention of losing my bio shell until it's completely unavoidable, even if i already have fifty mental clones :p

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