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Comment Re:Windows 10 Sucks (Score 1) 317

I bit my tongue and installed a systemd update today. It rebooted. I did a kernel update, firmware update, and a grub update... I was not scared of those. Systemd had me a bit worried that I was going to have to fix crap. I can happily say that I did not have to kick anything at all.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 394

Yeah those companies are just paying for ads because it is tradition and not because they have millions of data points that track purchase times and places to verify those ads are watched and acted on. Yup... You are definitely right and they are wasting their money.

You serve no valid function and are summarily dismissed. Have a day.

Comment Re:Here's a thought... (Score 1) 318

It will never be possible to scrub your internet things. I prefer it that way. Your hope is not going to change things. Right this minute someone is making a screen shot of this very thread. Why? They have no life. However? I would not be at all surprised to see such. They probably keep a nice archive on their spare hard drive. They might even have backups.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 318

The lists are retarded. I figured I would look up someone's claim that they can not be cured. Yeah... About that? Sex offenders have a lower rate of recidivism than any other criminal except murderers. This was true even before Megan's law. This was true before the witch hunt. We may want to think about that law before we make a bunch of criminals (who have learned new skills in prison and are now angry and hopeless while free on the streets) unwilling to be idle any longer.

Comment Re:Embarrassment (Score 1) 318

I do not quite fit in the boomer generation. I turned 18 in 1975. (Get off my lawn. No, really, you can chill on my lawn but it would be smarter to come inside where you're welcome and it is not raining.)

Anyhow, you're damned right I have an embarrassing past! I am pretty sure my penis was one of the first things uploaded to the internet. I drank for 40+ years. I used opiates - including IV use - for almost as long. I was a functioning addict, thank you much. Damned right, I have done some stupid shit.

If I did not have an embarrassing past, if I had not made mistakes, how would I learn what to do?

Comment Re:Embarrassment (Score 1) 318

I would agree that if you like to post pictures of yourself with sharpies up your ass that is none of your employer's business.

However if you are an asshole online you are probably just as much of an asshole in real life and your resume might not suggest that because, what the previous post was saying was, your resume was written by someone else.

I am an asshole you insensitive, dirty bag, cow-screwing, pig-dog, clod!

There are likely pictures of my penis online. I can not be certain. If there are? I am proud someone felt it was worthy the space to save it and even prouder that they felt it was worth sharing. Shit, just ask me and I will show you. I may show you even if you did not ask - depends on the circumstances and drugs/alcohol involved. The scary part is that I am running for state Senate.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 394

They are obviously watching otherwise they would not be paying. I suppose you know better than the experts who track these sorts of things. I am not sure why you think a company is solely motivated by greed in one thread and then presume that they are paying for ads for no reason in another. Just because you do not watch ads does not mean that they are not being watched. They are, they are selling things through them still, and this is unlikely to change in the near future. But you know better... Cute.

Comment Re:Amazon doesn't understand helicopters (Score 1) 142

I am afraid I do not have that much faith in the justice system or the average person sitting on a jury any more. :/ On the other hand, I had not thought about a bird taking out a drone. That adds a new and novel way to think about things.

I do not see anything good coming from this. When I first read about Amazon wanting to use drones I had assumed it was a joke or that they meant to get stuff to a distribution site and were talking about large drones in the future. I never read the article because I felt they could not be serious and it had to be just wishful thinking aloud on their part. I figured it was some PR person spouting gibberish...

*sighs* I really did.

I did not think anyone could be that dumb. I am still hoping it is a bad joke or a small follow up so that they don't look too silly when they say that they are not going to go with the drone idea.

I am hoping...

Comment Re:Slashdot is guilty too (Score 1) 394

No novella this time...

With traffic circles (rotaries or roundabouts) and yield signs (as well as following the rules of the road) there is no need for a single stop sign which would save an immense amount of time and fuel. If you wanted you could get yield signs instead of a traffic circle and just use the rules for a multi-stop scenario (such as the rules of a four way stop). It requires educated drivers who obey the rules of the roads.

Roads are often left with crappy sections that remain unimproved (and go without needed repairs) as it is far more likely to slow traffic down in congested areas than a speed limit sign. Speed bumps do the same thing but are actually bad for road maintenance equipment.

Rather than improve two sections of road they will improve one. An example is when the road narrows from something akin to 4 lanes from 2. Even though plenty of traffic is going to keep going they just widen the exit road to as locals are likely to use it - even though it puts traffic into the urban areas.

Signage, signs could be vastly improved by simply using a variety of colors and sticking to them. When you are pointing to a inner-city route from the highway, make it blue or green or something. When you are pointing to a new highway merger make it a different color, etc... Humans will easily adapt and we will be safer for it. This has been tried and shown to be successful. But, that paint is damned expensive and comes premixed. Strangely - every state pretty much has its own group at the DOT to make their signs. Georgia actually makes a bunch for other states but there is no giant vendor really. There probably should be. Then they could afford the expensive equipment to blend the paints - they could even make the paints. There is such a company but they mostly do federal signage. Why not the states? They often have people who have worked there for a long time and states want to retain control. Additionally, a lot of funding for roads comes from the federal budget.

Want to make intersections safer? Install a center lane. Better? For the same amount of space (yes, really - look at it from above) install a rotary. "But, nobody can drive in a rotary!" They can, they will, it will improve safety and throughput.

There is a few. I do not have a conspiracy theory. It is just protectionism and power usually. There is some incompetence and bureaucracy involved as well. Some is malicious. Usually you find that either in cities with a history of it (Chicago, New York City, and oddly Buffalo spring to mind). I never saw more graft than I saw in Buffalo. They have a "Skyway" which is a highway that runs above the city. It is great to get to Niagara. I swear the entire thing is routed along land that was owned by Important People® who made a lot of money during the project. Any expansion and changes are damned expensive and slow. It was a dumb idea to begin with. It was, however, constructed well. Top notch there from my slightly better than layman's view. I did not do construction or anything but I witnessed a lot.

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