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Comment Re:What does Wikileaks get from this? (Score 2, Informative) 606

This is absurd. I opposed the Iraq War too but it's not a "war crime". The previous regime was in violation of the ceasefire agreement that ended the Gulf War and numerous UN resolutions passed subsequent to that agreement. The Iraq War was perfectly legal under American and international law. It was a foolhardy adventure that distracted us from more pressing concerns but it was not illegal or a war crime.

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan disagreed.

Furthermore, the UK Attorney General could only get the invasion to be legal in UK law through Resolution criteria dating back to the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Allegations he was pressured into giving the OK lack sufficient evidence.

The Internet

Submission + - UK Minister backs 'open internet'

Simmeh writes: In a clarification of his comments last week, Ed Vaizey has come out saying he supports an 'open internet' and denies claims he ever said he backs a 'fast lane' service. "What I announced as far as I was concerned was business as usual – an important statement that the government was alive to these issues and prepared to intervene in the future. I am absolutely as one with someone like Tim Berners-Lee”

Comment Re:What's the deal with the rush of TSA stories re (Score 1) 1135

Oh don't talk Daily Mail type bollocks. The vast majority of inmates are in prison for crimes that have long been illegal - violent crime, theft, burglary, rape, fraud etc.

Indeed, classic criminals like the 10,000+ people in for drug specific offenses like posession. Since over half of property crimes are drug motivated, with shoplifting at 85% and burglary at 80%, does it not make sense to deal with the source of the problem rather than apply CCTV band aids so my brother and your friend don't need to treat their home/property like a bank vault?

Comment Re:What's the deal with the rush of TSA stories re (Score 1) 1135

I take your anecdote and raise you. My brother had a jet ski robbed from his drive this week, they took out his CCTV before nicking it. It was only outside due to lack of space. Amusingly, it was broke and they'll never get a key for it. He has now expanded his CCTV network in response. Good luck to your friend.

According to the Met 3% of robberies are caught on CCTV, so its easy but incorrect to correlate crime reduction with camera expansion. Considering the many laws that have been introduced since 1995 I'm unsurprised prisons are fuller than ever.

Comment Re:What's the deal with the rush of TSA stories re (Score 1) 1135

What most alarmist articles about CCTV Britain don't mention is the fact that millions of the cameras are privately owned covering mostly private property and not networked in any way to the police or government. The privacy aspect only becomes an issue when large aggregate data is processed, something of more concern for drivers with the national GATSO camera grid fining speeders regularly. The real reason for concern is their general uselessness in preventing crime or convicting captured criminals. We're not beating 1984 yet.

Submission + - Sony Get Nasty With PSBreak Buyers ( 1

YokimaSun writes: The War between hackers and Sony over the Playstation 3 has now taken an even more sinister turn with Sony now going after not just shops but actual buyers of the PSBreak Dongle, threatening them with fines of many thousands in Euros and forcing them to sign Cease and Desist letters. Seems that Sony will use any method possible to thwart both Homebrew and Piracy on the PS3.

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