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Submission + - Sony Get Nasty With PSBreak Buyers ( 1

YokimaSun writes: The War between hackers and Sony over the Playstation 3 has now taken an even more sinister turn with Sony now going after not just shops but actual buyers of the PSBreak Dongle, threatening them with fines of many thousands in Euros and forcing them to sign Cease and Desist letters. Seems that Sony will use any method possible to thwart both Homebrew and Piracy on the PS3.

Comment bah (Score 1) 350

Everytime I tried Wave I couldn't escape the feeling it was just like a busy wiki, with a superset of features.

Submission + - Loss of ice on Mt. Everest is "Devastating" 2

Simmeh writes: The BBC reports on new photos of the Himalayas taken from exactly the same position as ones from 1929 and compares the ice coverage. The Asia Society who did the groundwork are quoted as saying "If the present rate of melting continues, many of these glaciers will be severely diminished by the middle of this century.". I guess the previous claim wasn't too unrealistic.

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