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Comment Re:Spinning media can't go beyond 7200 rpm (Score 1) 438

You can only get 15K rpm drives at most at 600GB in size. At about $280 for those disks ($0.47/GB), SSDs are a complete win.

You can get a very solid 1TB SSD for $450, which is cheaper per GB ($0.45) and much, much faster. You can get a serious enterprise 1TB SSD (10-year warranty) for $550. You may have racks of 15K rpm drives, but they are truly outdated dinosaurs: slow and plodding, and expensive to feed and care for.

Comment Re:Did you really think?? (Score 1) 224

That all those triple flip, spinning, no look, cross map headshots were actually people NOT using a hack.. ROFLOL...

All of them, no, I don't, as I watched someone repeatedly do something very similar using the stock Xbox controller.

I saw his character jump from one platform, spin and kill with a rocket launcher, then keep spinning and land on the platform across the gap.

Comment Re:The solution (Score 2) 224

I don't know anything about this so-called "sport", but it sounds to me as if people bring their own machines to these events. This is a very curable problem. Get Alienware to sponsor the event with hardware which gets sent back to them at the end.

This isn't a bad idea, but you still have to allow peripherals to be brought in, since part of the player skill is likely their mouse and keyboard.

Then, you have to give the player time to config the game to their liking (mouse sensitivity, hotkeys, etc.). With all that going on, it might be pretty easy to slip in a hack of some kind.

Comment Re:I just want to... (Score 3, Informative) 195

We needed a new car back in 2012 and we decided on a 2012 Ford Escape.

Most of your complaints can be fixed with various tweaks listed in the manuals. For example, you don't have to listen to chimes because the key is in the switch. As for Sync, update the software (easy to do with a download to any USB stick) and you should be able to connect any Android at least for voice, but your phone has to support a later level of Bluetooth to support reading/sending texts using the car.

I can't help you on your satellite drop outs, as that's caused by brain-dead placement of the antenna by Ford. No, that thing sticking up at the back of your car is not the satellite antenna. The sat antenna is pretty much inside your glove compartment.

Comment Re:How Will I Even Notice? (Score 1) 319

What I'd expect is that the boxes where the ads were will be empty, but the layout of the website (tailored originally around those boxes) will be identical.

Competent CSS will result in the boxes being gone and the page re-flowing.

The Firefox add-on Stylish allows you to do this with any web site. I do it with Slashdot to make the comments fill my browser from left to right margin.

Comment Re:No trust (Score 1) 581

I don't really have an opinion on it, myself, but it seems to me that all of the arguments against systemd are based on factual errors (e.g., that it's monolithic, and therefore not UNIXy) and inertia, or on defects that are clearly just packaging/configuration bugs.

Read the rest of this comments and you'll find plenty of real bugs (su bugs when using systemd-logind, failure to mount degraded btrfs, etc.) that are treated by the systemd developers as "NOTABUG". Likewise, if the packagers can't get the configuration right, how do you expect end users to figure it out?

And, systemd is monolithic. Sure, it's a bunch of separate executables, but you need to run them all together or things break, which makes it all or nothing. And, yes, I keep hearing about "no, you can use any ntpd/logind/whateverd you don't need to use the systemd version", but nobody has ever given an example of how to do this that doesn't involve keeping the systemd version at least installed on your system, and sometimes running beside your preferred version.

Comment Re:Go back in time 5 years (Score 1) 581

Having actually read what systemd does, I'm looking forward to seeing it on my machines.

The PR for systemd far exceeds the utility you actually gain. For some very limited sets of configuration, systemd offers features that just can't be done otherwise (or easily). Most of those cases are so convoluted that nobody ever wanted to do them anyway.

The one good thing that systemd does offer (better job control) is far offset by the design that makes it painful to configure anything that isn't standard, and even more painful to debug when something goes wrong. Examples of "something going wrong" often seem to include failure to mount a filesystem. Leaving out network security settings, this was almost always fixed before by editing /etc/fstab, typing "mount /foo" and moving on. Today, "mount /foo" invokes some systemd component to parse your /etc/fstab and do what it thinks you want done. Since it is impossible for systemd to know every option to every filesystem (and how they interact), this almost always means that systemd doesn't do what you really want (and what /etc/fstab says should happen).

I've used systemd, and it's painful and ugly, mainly because the documentation is either bad or non-existent. I suspect that right about the that RedHat 6 support is ending, systemd will finally be ready for production use.

Comment Re:Sci Fi Really Ages Quickly (Score 1) 186

it was filmed, with not a giant slug but a slightly overweight guy wearing (among other things) animal furs. It was cut because GL had formed the idea of Jabba being the giant slug for Jedi but he didn't want to reshoot the scene, so it was simply cut.

I think it was rightfully cut because it has the exact same dialog as the Greedo scene, and doesn't add anything to the story.

The Greedo scene, OTOH, shows Han to be a "the only fair fight is one I win" kind of guy, which makes him coming to help Luke at the Death Star even more important to his character.

Comment Re:It's only worth it (Score 1) 237

With the Cost of Cars going up and up and becoming unattainable for many

I don't know if the price of a car is really a factor compared to previous years.

Today, about $14K will get you a new car that works fine for the daily commute. And, although you could have gotten a similar "entry-level" car in 2000 for the the same price adjusted for inflation (about $10K), that car would have a lot fewer standard features than today's cars. And, $10K in pay at the minimum wage rate in 2000 would be $14K today.

Comment Re:First step is to collect data. (Score 1) 405

Yes, before I brought this question to Slashdot, I did my homework first. I've scoured logs, check RBLs, used wireshark, etc. It's definitely not a misconfiguration on my end or an issue with complaints resulting from spam.

One change you can make is to configure the outbound NAT from your mail server to appear to come from a different one of your static public IP addresses. Change your DNS to match, and see if that helps at all.

If it doesn't, then perhaps as others have said, you are collateral damage from nearby IP addresses. Has your IP block been allocated to you? If so, you can usually use the WHOIS info to convince the other end that you aren't related to the collateral IP address.

Comment Re:First step is to collect data. (Score 1) 405

Yahoo spits out several messages:

Deferred: 421 4.7.1 [TS03] All messages from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX will be permanently deferred; Retrying will NOT succeed.

Not that this will likely help you, but you're probably completely screwed, since Yahoo doesn't even care they are intentionally violating the RFC.

All 4xx response codes are for messages that can't be delivered right now, but some condition change will allow them to be delivered. The text of their message implies that the response code should have been a 5xx. This sort of behavior is usually done in response to spam (foolishly, since most spambots never retry) in an attempt to waste the resources of the sending server by causing it to retry.

The Microsoft response might be legitimate if their systems think that you are sending "too much" e-mail.

Comment Re:Ok, they got ONE right... (Score 2, Informative) 257

My local brick and mortar store are automatically at a 7% price disadvantage because they have to include sales tax to items purchased where online retails don't.

No, your local brick and mortar store is at a 15-30% disadvantage simply because they charge a lot more for most things.

I just bought a gaming headset at a local B&M because I wasn't sure if it would work for me (comfort, quality, etc.) and wanted an easy return if I had to. For that, I paid 44% more than if I had purchase the item from Amazon. This is not an unusual situation, at least as far as tech is concerned, with Amazon, NewEgg, SuperBiiz, etc., all fighting for my online purchases.

Also, Amazon charges tax in my state, so that part doesn't even enter into the decision to buy online.

Comment Re:or read (Score 1) 321

It's not just an issue of understanding, it's apathy and laziness.

Yes, laziness on the part of the programmers of the device.

The default password should allow you to access exactly one function on the device: the "pick a username and password for a new admin" feature. Once that finishes, either the default password is set to cat < /dev/urandom > password_storage_file or else the default user is removed. In case you forget the username and password you set, the device can be reset to factory defaults using some sort of physical "reset" button.

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