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Comment Re:Obligatory Quote by Gauss (Score 1) 241

TFA tries to make the case (poorly) that Math involves ambiguities and Programming does not.

I've been trying to think of how this could be, and the only thing I can think of is the syntax of math is less formal than the syntax of programming. In programming, each command is clearly defined, whereas in English there's some ambiguity about the meaning of the word 'is.'

I don't think this has any real practical effect on math.

Comment Re:How many employees does Slashdot need? (Score 1) 272

If anything it's slackened off significantly since MS lost their complete dominance of consumer computing.

And since Windows has become less painful to use. Remember when threats like Nimda and Code Red spread around the internet freely, without any user interaction? In those days, Windows was an open door to malware, when it didn't crash on its own.

As much as I prefer Linux, I recognize that Windows has improved a lot.

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