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Comment Thanks Slashdot. (Score 1) 738

When I first read this headline I panicked. I thought, "I'm 34! I'm at the top of my game, I've never been this good at software development and I'm hitting my shelf life in a year?!?!" That was a terrifying thought!

What I *love* is the art and craft of software design and implementation, and I sure as hell don't want to be a manager. After reading your responses I now know that I won't have to give up what I love just to stay employed. *phew*

Submission + - Ocean Marketing threatens to smear Penny Arcade (

az.sandhawk writes: After Mike Krahulik's siding with a gamer in a customer service dispute over when Ocean Marketing's Avenger game controller would arrive, Paul Christoforo of Ocean Marketing threatened "a smear campaign" against Penny Arcade.
The Courts

Submission + - Auction of Copyright Troll Righthaven's website do (

Tootech writes: The online auction of the website domain name got under way Monday, with bidders having until Jan. 6 to submit offers.

A judge has authorized a receiver to auction the intellectual property of Las Vegas-based Righthaven LLC, the newspaper copyright infringement lawsuit filer.

The auction is aimed at raising money to cover part of Righthaven’s $63,720 debt to a man who defeated Righthaven in court.

The man, Wayne Hoehn, and his attorneys defeated Righthaven when a judge threw out Righthaven’s lawsuit against him over Hoehn’s unauthorized post on a sports betting website message board of a Las Vegas Review-Journal column by columnist and former Publisher Sherman Frederick.

Hoehn was a defendant in one of Righthaven’s 275 lawsuits filed since March 2010.


Submission + - Indie game developer tackles OOAD (

eagee writes: "This indie developer has been writing a game using Object Oriented Analysis and Design to walk aspiring software engineers through the process. They've been updating a design document as they go which is available for all to see; and includes step by step explanations for how to do some really great analysis (with some pretty amusing infographics). While you may not want to write all of your games this way — it's definitely a nifty way to teach software design to anyone who hasn't been exposed to it before."

Submission + - GoDaddy continues to bleed customers over SOPA ( 1

bdking writes: Despite a transparent reversal of policy regarding its support of the Stop Online Piracy Act, domain registrar GoDaddy continues to lose customers to a reddit-inspired boycott. That GoDaddy was the No. 1 target of SOPA opponents — despite much larger companies also supporting the legislation — speaks to the Achilles heel of most Internet companies.

Submission + - A World Without Schoolteachers (

Attila Dimedici writes: I came across a an article this morning that suggests that the Nook and the Kindle have changed things in such a way that schools are becoming obsolete. His premise is that the ideal way to teach children is by a tutor. Schools arose because those who were not well enough off to afford tutors pooled their resources to hire a tutor (teacher) for all of their children. Schools further developed because they offered the opportunity for society to indoctrinate children in the values society considered important. Until today, the indoctrination has become more important than the education.
The author's premise is that the Nook and the Kindle have allowed large amounts of written material on many different subjects to become accessible enough that parents can tutor their children at a price that just about everyone can afford.

Comment As a parent with a kind who got a school laptop: (Score 1) 349

It's a tremendously stupid waste of resources. If you want kids to learn about technology give them a crappy low power device (like a Pentium 1 equivalent) running a low end unix variant. This way, you can give them access to wifi, but the laptop can't do a heck of a lot more than check email and slowly load simple articles. The Internet at large combined with modern distractions is too enticing when you're supposed to be learning geometry. While there are myriad distractions in any learning environment, they'll at least have to learn something to get to 'em.

Heck, the whole reason I learned to program is because I only had access to an older computer no one was writing software for anymore.

Comment Re:The problem with being Anonymous (Score 1) 529

Specifically, what I'm saying is that it's very easy to discredit a group of people if they lose control of their own narrative. This is just one place where I don't agree with the approach anonymous is taking (if this is even "officially" them). I'm glad someone is standing up to the banks, but the banks have bullying and stealing down to a science already. Ghandi made a far far bigger difference than someone like Robin Hood could have. I mean, RH was a fictional character, no? So, if he stole money from the rich and gave it to the poor I don't see how on earth they would be able to spend it. I mean, this was a time when trial by water was considered a wholly accurate system of justice. I think OWS was pretty effective at changing the narrative of the entire nation, and all of the terrible things that have happened to the protesters is just making that narrative stronger (and the injustice more pronounced). However, whoever is doing this, just looks like they didn't do their homework - which doesn't strike me as legitimate.

Comment Useful, but not terribly elegant (Score 1) 338

'Just saying, these are very useful tools - but lack some of the elegance that makes OOP work (misuse of multiple inheritance aside). Some of the design principles that make OOP so great just aren't as readily applicable in functional languages, so while I think they're cool - I'd just assume something more robust mature out of them over time before I adopt them full time.

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
