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Comment Give credit where credit is due (Score 1) 57

Going forward the Government will require that ANY IDEA YOU EVER HAVE you must give full credit to anything that inspired it, be it a movie, book, TV show, app, someone's offhanded comment, or graffiti on a railcar.

After all, if we don't develop "new" ideas we're just copying someone else's work, AI or not.

Stupid government dicks in the pockets of the MAFIAA.

Comment Re:Let me clarify (Score 0) 222

I think you misunderstood parent's note. Taxing the nascent commercial space industry is an early move that will hurt its expansion. It's better to wait for the commercial entitites to be sucessful before throwing yet another barrier to entry in the mix.

Yes, there is one successful commercial space launch entity. That's hardly "an industry." Yes, there are many others who want to play in that arena, but none are yet viable let alone successful let alone profitable.

Air traffic controllers are there to guide air traffic, regardles of whether there are zero aircraft in the sky, or lots of aircraft in the sky, or a space vehicle launch or return. They do the same work, and it costs the FAA nothing extra when there's a space launch. They set up a temporary flight restriction (TFR) so the launch or landing can occur, and aircraft (other than scheduled carriers with filed IFR flight plans) stay out.

What's next - taxing boats because the USCG has to patrol exclusion zones in the water and constantly shoo away those pesky self-entitle Florida asshats who think they are welcome to come watch the launch from the water, and end up postponing launches due to range violations?

Our government isn't built on "user fees" which is what makes this unjust and inequitable.

We waste an awful lot of taxpayer funds on things taxpayers don't want. No tax is a popular tax, but taxing commercial space flight companies and giving NASA yet another freebie subsidy by any other name is disproportionate and unfair.

Comment Give it to trump (Score 1) 14

Adam Newmann is a sociopath who has bamboozled billions of dollars away from people. He's a religious creep, and a narcissist moron. Note: I'm not a licensed psychotherapist so these are all just my opinions.

If he HAS $500M, just give it to Trump so he can pay for his appeal bond, because that way at least New York taxpayers will get some benefit out of it. WeWork is dead. Adam Neumann can contribute his best to this world by making NY taxpayers whole.

Seriously, what's next? Criminals commit crimes. Cheaters cheat. Scammers scam. Why would anyone trust these pieces of shit with MORE money?

Comment Helical scam. (Score 1) 78

Helical piles are long (tens of feet long) screws that attach a structure to the ground. They work in some ground but not in harder ground (caliche) or softer ground. In other words, they can work about 20-33% of the time. The rest of the time they are unable to adequately anchor a bulding to the ground.

They lack a foundation. This also means the lack of a solid plumb and level surface. While that seams cheaper, there still needs to be a reference surface which IS plumb and level, so there we go adding that back into the project, and the same carbon footprint and cost comes right back up.

There's no "easy fix" to "the housing market" and while it would be nice to creat a magic house that just "screwed into the dirt", neither the house nor the dirt are cooperating.

What a waste of time. But hey, let's get investors. Because we can all get rich. On this worthless scam.

Comment Radio is to blame for youth discomfort (Score 1) 203

"something went suddenly and horribly wrong for adolescents."
- First it was radio with all those kids listening to rock n' roll
- Then it was television with all those kids watching tv
- Then it was video games with all those kids playing video games
- Then it was web sites with kids looking online
- Now it's social media.

Researchers of human behavior - stop blaming everything on "the kids." YOU are part of the same trends.
And secondly, none of these are CAUSATION factors. They're merely part of the evolution of society and

Now get off my damn lawn and stop writing papers to further your "academic carreers" where all you do is
bust out at "kids these days."

Comment Then DON'T BUY ANY OF IT!!! (Score 0) 106

Dear Mexico,

If you think US corn is unsafe for human consumption, STOP BUYING IT.

While you're at it, we think your use of US firearms to protect your cartel wars that ship fentanyl to the US are unsafe SO STOP THAT TOO/

Also the next time you want to come across the border BE SURE TO HAVE US AUTO INSURANCE and certification of compliance with US EMISSIONS POLICIES. Until then, stay the fuck in your own country and whine about our corn.

Imagine if we had this kind of never-ending soap-opera "novella" crap with our other neighbor, Canada. They'd be so polite, eh?

Comment Always Double Down on Stupid (Score 1) 88


The EU has spoken. Your attempts to misinterpret the rulings just make you look bad.
You will come out of this a loser, much as you came into it.

Your authoritarian walled-garden "we're better than everyone else" Steve "Liver Thief" Jobs era is over.

Stop doubling down on stupid.

This is why nobody loves you except your fanbois.

Comment March 2024 - Red is dead (Score 2, Insightful) 36

Red has been a leader in so many technology and use cases. Nikon is Yet Another Japanese Camera Company (YAJCC) and contributes nothing to the ecosystem. This statement isthe DEATH OF RED and nothing more.

Nikon isn't "a bad actor" any more than any corporation is who purchases their rival and then fades the superior product into oblivion. However, they are the latest.

Red products are good. Nikon makes cheap crap. Figure out how this ends up on your own, or just watch the market (and I mean the sales market, not the investor market).

Comment Bye Microsoft. Nobody will miss you. (Score 1, Informative) 45

Microsoft is the leading cause of malware. By refusing to fix anything from longstanding issues to zero-day issues, they've ensured that their latest software is still backward compatible with Windows 3.1 (aka WFW and also a precursor to W95) and fully compatible with malware that uses these features.

Oh, so now they're not going to be on Android? Well the five users who've tried it are surely going to be disappointed.

Here is my outlook with a 360 degree view: Failure.

Comment Mission milestones (Score 3, Interesting) 19

Developing Blue Origin on time - 0
Providing BE-4 engines to ULA within 4 years of promised date - 0
Launching people into real space (past the Karman line) -0
Having Jeff Bezos put on a stupid cowboy hat and getting in his big blue penis rocket - 1
Moon landing - um, how about negative a million.

If there's a website or insurance company (Lloyd's?) taking bets on this "moon landing in 2025"
I'll take a short position please.

Bezos means "kisses" in Spanish and "stupid joke" in English.

Comment Roku Chat (Score 1) 147

To get the Chat option use this link:

You'll find they are "offshore" and are not fluent EN-US speakers/writers.
I did ask for an escalation to someone who could understand the concern and got this:

3:46 pm
I apologize, as this chat is random and we don't have access to connect a chat to anyone.

I've also sent an email query from that same link. It opened a case, and I'm not hopeful
for much of a response.

Fundamentally any of us who own Roku devices paid for them to have the functionality
as was represented by Roku at the time of purchase. Disabling that functionality after
purchase to create a "need" to accept new T&Cs is likely unlawful and at the very least
worthy of civil penalties to START AT the full retail value of the Roku devices at time of
purchase plus replacement costs with equivalent hardware.

I am not a lawyer. I will not be agreeing to their new T&Cs on principle alone.

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