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Comment The article is a bit flawed (Score 5, Informative) 245

What really happened was that the norwegian IRS said that the bitcoin does currently not have any status as a currency in Norway and will be taxed as an asset.

They very clearly state that bitcoins have not been banned as a currency, only that it's status still has to be decided by Finanstilsynet (almost like SEC, but with a broader mandate).

The Norwegian IRS does not have the authority to claim it is a currency or not, only Finanstilsynet. All they do is tax what they see as an asset until Finanstilsynet gives other directions.

Nettvalutaen Bitcoins beskattes
Quite different heading than the /. heading.
Translated it just means "Bitcoins are to be taxed".

Comment The Secret World (Score 4, Interesting) 555

Personally I find The Secret World very nice for my wife and me as we play casually. There is new content on a steady basis and lots of outfits that my wife loves.
It's set in a dark contemporary world where the secret societies are comming into the open due to paranormal events.
It's quite a horror style dark mmo :)

We also play minecraft multiplayer on a whitelist server, and my 2.5 year old daugher is starting to take very much interest in watching us feed cows or ride the minecarts :)

Comment Re:is Linux slow? (Score 1) 488

I have newest linux, X and XFCE on a dual pentium pro 200 mhz. It has a bit more ram, but it still is about 18 years old.

I must admit, I don't run big regression analysis in R on this one, but it works fine for when friends want to browse the web a bit.

It also fits nicely in my "museum" :)

Comment Re:Yep (Score 4, Informative) 488

The N4 (which has been out for about a year) does not have this issue at all. In fact, I've not seen it on any android phone that came out the last year.
The last time I experienced a small UI lag on times was with the 3 year old HTC Desire. It kind of helped that 4.0+ went with HW accelerated UI.

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