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Comment Re:Not fixed yet (Score 1) 44

How do you expect them to continue your session between separate POSTs without a cookie?

Those are not the cookies you have to ask permission for. In fact, you don't have to get permission for cookies at all. The word "cookie" is not even in the GDPR. You have to get permission for the use of personal data, and only if you do not need it for the task of the site itself.

For example, if you run a web shop, you do not need to get permission to use the delivery address for delivery of the ordered goods. However, if you want to send ads to delivery addresses, then you do need consent.

The cookiewalls are just malicious compliance. They are not meant to abide the law, but to piss people off so much that they start to hate the law.

Comment "... to restore safety standards" (Score 4, Insightful) 81

  • If you download a song, you are sued to radioactive rubble.
  • If you try to repair an Apple devide without being Apple, you are sued to radioactive rubble.
  • If you try to re-engineer a DVD, you are sued to radioactive rubble.
  • But if, as an aircraft manufacturer, you don't adhere to safety standards, you are allowed "to restore safety standards".

I would think that Boeing would be sued to radioactive rubble if safety is not their first, second and third priority. At least they should be.

Comment Re:Mifare? (Score 1) 33

And even Mifare did not advertise this system as "high security". The company had more secure systems even back then. But Mifare classic (as it later became known) was chosen by lots of companies around the world as it was just cheaper. I can still hear my old manager say: "I can't sell secure!"

Comment Re:Basically, we need to TAKE ACTION. (Score 4, Insightful) 130

The possibility of buying time is long past. We needed to take action 30 years ago, and we still haven't done anything (the existing actions are totally overshadowed by an increase in further destruction of our habitat). Time can no longer be bought. On the contrary, we blasted over so many tipping points that climate change can now do without us. The forest burns in Canada produced way more CO2 than the Canadians, the oceans have buffered a lot of CO2 for us, but are releasing it back into the atmosphere as they heat up, the melting ice sheets are making the planet darker so it traps more solar heat, etc. After closing our eyes for decades, time is the very thing that is no longer available.

Comment I call bullshit (Score 4, Insightful) 101

Plastic is cheaper to make than it is to recycle.

Only if you externalize the real costs. If you leave the real cost of plastic, the waste problem, the environmental problems, the health problems, etc, out, only then it looks cheap.

It is not an oil industry problem only because corrupt politicians put the problem onto society, so the oil industry has the profit and not the costs.

Comment Contract (Score 1) 89

That is also why a contract is by definition not transferable. I know Justice systems around the world disagree with me, but the parties that made the agreement are part of the contract. Some parties can have a contract that is small because they trust each other. Some parties need complex contracts spelling out all minute details and if/then clauses.

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